hmu for pms - old
It’s sbmm. Your rank doesn’t mean all that much. You are probably on the higher end of skill level + low population. -
Everyone saying sbmm is in ranked but i could swear bungo changed that awhile ago for this exact complaint. Maybe they just severely tuned down the sbmm but its still slightly there. Just know it used to be much worse than it is now.
It’s skill based match making not rank based so Bungie must think you are in similar skill brackets.
Bungie has stated that competitive is ranked and sbmm base. So it’s not that you’re playing against other players is there rank. You’re playing against mm to see how you stand. This can be that each rank can be in your lobby as long as they are compatible with you’re sbmm, then game has a desired outcome and you’re performance is comparable to the desired outcome. This will determine if you climb rank. This means it could be you are ment to lose. This is what they consider fair. So every skill has a change to reach legend within there sbmm.
Welcome to SBMM match making, SBMM is a complete garbage system. Ranked should be elo based and rank based. It’s a competitive mode and should use competitive match making, there’s zero reason SBMM should be in ranked.