Can't believe that's a "reward" something you can focus with crucible engrams. Why didn't they just add some year one weapons with updated perks, at least that would feel unique
For some players it is harder to get and it’s a top tier weapon. The Arsenal provided essentially gives you the tools to compete in both PvE and PvP. It’s fine. Some people will think the other weapons are worthless too - it’s just perspective - try and have some.
If people want to spend their boxes on that then for be it from me to tell them not to, a fool and his money are easily parted after all.
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 1/24/2025 2:14:28 AMBurden of Guilt Is Better
I think it's a good choice for Bungie to have that available. Not everyone has the time/likes to farm Crucible for those engrams and depending on RNG, may not have a good Riptide.
The reward is not having to step foot in pvp lol. Even Bungie knows they should just delete it.
I think it got nerfed at some point. Doesnt seem to be a menace as much as it used to be. Chill clip was fantastic. I was disappointed and confused when i saw it was an option with the bento. Maybe bungie is trying to drop a clue about its future.
Think it’s for those kids who don’t play pvp I got a friend who never will go in sadly
Because riptide has 12 perks in each column and a lot of people still don’t have a good one. I won’t be buying it tho bc my burden of guilt does the exact same thing
It’s there for people who play zero PvP.
[quote]Can't believe that's a "reward" something you can focus with crucible engrams. Why didn't they just add some year one weapons with updated perks, at least that would feel unique[/quote] Yeah and just about all the other rewards can drop elsewhere as well. Your point?
Hard to get: No Hard to get a GoD roll: yes
It's hard to get for me. I don't play pvp 🤣 Had to rely on falling from clan engrams at Hawthorne. Still didn't get a chill clip version.
The benefit isn't the gun. The benefit is that you can now put Enhanced Mods on you current version of Riptide (which is probably better anyway).
I would’ve like to see a Uriel’s gift
The 3x Adept toys were my aim…and sorted! Now what? 🤔 I enjoyed the vanilla missions to get the bento tokens…and would happily do more of the same in a weekly basis, especially if the rewards were worth it! Possible Future Rewards could include old raid / dungeon / Trials, weapons / loot…even Icebreaker! 😹 Ease Springs! 🫡 MDGA
Yeah, would’ve either gotten either Mindbender’s, Militia’s Birthright, or Undercurrent instead. All adept versions, all Nightfall weapons
Of all the hundred(s) of previous vaulted weapons to pick from, why Riptide was chosen is bewildering.
I am normally one to just relax and sit back and enjoy a game for what it is and honestly I do that for the most part BU5 I have to agree with this. It was amusing how little effort this took. Let's just slap in a random weapon and call it a prize lol. Wasn't thrilled with the rewards this time. I don't have many adept weapons so I did get those but I guess I'm going to get mementos because I have everything else.
It’s just the specific roll lots of people wanted. But then they nerfed it sooooooo. Ya idk bungie.