2 weeks left and you Time Gate the Past is Prologue Bento Event?!
Milking time played analytics yet again. I can't even justify telling my friends to come play because it's gated and unable to even be finished.
I actually set aside time to play the event today and do everything but I'm unable to because it's gated.
I do hope that you get back to player enjoyment rather than trying to boost player analytics.
Continuously trying to make players fit their lives around the game is going to always fail. A game always comes last in life.
Time gating = L
Sucks but see you tomorrow!!!
Its 3 days. C'mon. You guys sound like Cartman when he couldn't wait for the new Wii.
The tower is going to look like a Diddy party today.
brother it’s just a few days calm down yes i don’t like time gating either but at least it’s not like everything they time gate it will be available on friday when xur comes calm down
And it's account based so don't waste your time swapping characters for additional quests.
i hate time gating so much. let me grind your game jesus!
Edited by Dooodley: 1/21/2025 7:07:22 PMIt's the company of missed opportunities. Time gates aside, how -blam!- stupid do they have to be to make the missions account-wide. The rewards arent good enough to be gamebreaking yet good enough to keep people playing and they decide to cut the game time down to a third. Hence, instead of putting another 2 hours in to this I'm just going to do something els instead. There's literally nothing els to play in the game and it's pointless to work toward light levels since they're probably going to set us back 20 light levels in two weeks anyway - which quite possibly is the dumbest thing I've ever come across in a game. They're just idiots. IDIOTS!!
Put Some Respek On My Name!!!. - old
Chatterwhite looks cool. But I don't think I can complete all the events, bungie has stowed upon us. But to the others who are going for it Goodluck Guardians. You Definetly Deserve It. -
Nothing reward wise worth the time. I took one look at the requirements and laughed, logged out.
This shows how little they value feedback on the game and how little they value players. Bold moves for a company that is about done for.
Edited by MythosPraxis: 1/22/2025 1:47:55 AMUnprecedented emergency measures to retain players by economizing easy ways to get highly desirable adept weapons— which they also gave away for free after weight gate….. And people are just yawning. All the alarm bells should be going off. I take it that pinheaded exotic mission with 20 annoying catalyst and crafting steps wasn’t the milkshake y’all hoped would bring the boys rushing back to the yard? I set my expectations low after final shape layoffs. But yeeeeeiiiiikessss! What a tragedy. Just hemorrhaging player trust, hope and desire. Honestly— it’s time to ditch the cognitive science Bungie and listen to your -blam!- players.
Yeah time gating is what happens when there is no real new significant content released.
Is their only way to keep people coming back to this game.
I care not for the time gating. What I do have issue with is Bungies increasingly tenuous grasp of the word "event" and what that entails.. Unless they have something rather spiffy coming next week.. Which I doubt 🤔 We are not amused, Lord Bungo 🧐
Time gated till Friday. 😱 Literally three whole days. The madness. :/
Numbers are low. Time to bring out the hamster wheel. 🤣🤣🤣 Now they can go back to cleaning cars at headquarters. …probably! 🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely nothing here but a shamble mess of shallowness!
I just don't understand the logic in having us wait for the weekend to get more bounties from Xur, when we can already see Xur by just going to the Treasure Horde. It doesn't even make sense in-game.
You clearly don't get elegant, inspired game design. Bungie is the best, period. Even Datto and the D1 pre-alpha vet community agree, so maybe sit this one out.
Bro is mad about not being able to immediately get a shader he’ll never use lmao
So what’s the reward ? Is it just a shader ? Had a super Quick Look and passed .
Edited by ⒻⒶⒷⓄⓊⓇⒼⒺ: 1/22/2025 7:16:04 AMYou already finished all the bounties????
help Eris and the Drifter with "DAY-TO-DAY TASKS".... I was expecting new Bounties each day at reset, but I guess that was way too optimistic....
Edited by Vapor: 1/22/2025 3:07:57 PMAll you do is whine.
Personally, I don't think it's that bad. Managed to run the Gambit one this morning before work so a week to run 4 should be easy. Plus - according to the blurb - Bento quests can also be found with Xür (presumably on his weekly visit) so if people finish off the 4 quickly they will be able to stock up this weekend.
Like you said, a game doesn't mean more than life. The door is right there, no one's stopping you.
[quote]2 weeks left and you Time Gate the Past is Prologue Bento Event?! Milking time played analytics yet again. I can't even justify telling my friends to come play because it's gated and unable to even be finished. I actually set aside time to play the event today and do everything but I'm unable to because it's gated. I do hope that you get back to player enjoyment rather than trying to boost player analytics. Continuously trying to make players fit their lives around the game is going to always fail. A game always comes last in life. Time gating = L[/quote] L