I would love to use the glaives, but they are just overshadowed by easier weapons that do it better. So here are some changes.
Either have the charge modes be separate from the shield charge like revision zero, have glaives gain Energy for melee kills.
Or here are some ideas for each glaive
Hunter glaive: allow each charge shot kill to refund a certain amount of energy per kill. Can refund a charge with enough kills.
Titan glaive: Gain energy for damage blocked with the charge shot shield. Can refund charge shot
Warlock glaive: gain energy for every heal the charge shot turret does. Can refund charge shot
Edited by ZayOsiris Gaming: 12/13/2024 12:13:34 AMSolar glaive catalyst: [u]Incandescent + Chain reaction[/u] Arc glaive catalyst: [u]Jolting feedback + Stats for all[/u] Void glaive catalyst: [u]Discord + Harmony[/u]
Always thought those would get big buffs at some point. Did they for a while, or am I remembering wrong?
Just make them legendary!
only gimps have whispers turnt off - old
i've always wanted to use glaives more but i feel like i'm throwing in PVE if i do, they honestly just feel like a weapon class only titans can make a big use of, hunters and warlocks fall short behind a bit which is upsetting -
Honestly I would rather them rework the solar glaive into something else, warlock already has enough ways to heal themselves and others.
The Hunter glaive needs nothing more. I have seen it be used in dumb ways.
Glaive melee kills give you class energy. Blocking damage with the glaive sheild gives you super energy and generates elemental pickups.
yea those glaives suck but theres no money in buffing em. every season, and expansion introduce "must have","soon to be irrelevant" weapons. like the void burst linear fusion rifle from the ahamkara vendor. exotics should feel exotic though, so bungie should consider your suggestions. they seem to have run out of ideas
Yeah they do, but the hunter charged shot hits like a truck
Edited by I am kevin: 12/12/2024 1:45:18 PMI think you don’t see where Bungie pve is heading. Weapons are no longer the focus of bungie it’s combinations of abilities. Weapons aren’t in the future of destiny probly only a catalyst to access a ability like healclip, voltshot etc. Or they will be the key to a lock like shoot hc to stop anti barrier. Buffing weapons is pointless at this point. It’s easier to ask for all weapons to be compounded to see all hc the same Arctype all glaive etc. Because the only reason Bungie is keeping weapons around currently is PvP. But the way there butchering that playlist is on a rappid succession it’s easy to see where it’s heading.
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They need a catalyst for sure, nice ideas.