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12/11/2024 1:22:53 PM

Should Bungie offer silver refunds to all players who bought Episodes Revenant or the annual pass?

Given how buggie this season has been and the fact that most players were either locked out of the act 1 intro quest or didn't get any of the dialog for the fieldworks, plus the tonic bugs. As well as all the numerous other bugs this season I think bungie should offer anyone who paid for Revenant a 1500-2000 Silver refund, as a show of good faith on their part.

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  • Calling it good faith to give players a worthless currency that they can then spend on cringy worthless in game item(s) in a heavily dying video game that almost has no dedicated dev team working on anymore sounds like a bit of a stretch to me personally :) Even if they gave me 20k silver now, i wouldnt want to engage with that trash mtx shop that ruined the games future.

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    • No. People should be well versed in the quality of Bungie's content by now. They even made it publicly known their process behind it. While you can't know for sure how something will play out, you can make safe guesses based on prior knowledge.

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      • No. We made that purchase out of our own volition. This is a risk we take when buying a product that hasn’t been released yet. But…. Destiny is on its way out. Bungie is no longer in control of the bugs and glitches that plague the game. They are fighting an uphill battle with each new piece of content that immediately breaks and subsequently gets added to an ever growing list. Just enjoy what you can until they pull the inevitable plug (my guess is a year after the release of Marathon, if Marathon turns out to be financially successful). This game is probably just too old and too much of a headache to maintain with a skeleton crew.

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        15 Replies
        • Edited by magister1001: 12/15/2024 2:29:49 AM
          Bungie is in harvest mode. Minimise cost out Maximise cash in Unless a bug is extreme / affects most players it’s not going to make the cut.

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        • Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 12/13/2024 9:59:20 AM
          LOL Bungie doesn't have the noblesse like CD Projekt Red had with the initial Cyberpunk 2077 release, offering a full refund for the state the game was in. + Bungie abandon ship while CD Projekt Red developed further a platform, people still using, for graphical high fidelity. This rocks! [url=]Cyberpunk 2077: POV Photorealistic Motorbike Ride in 8K[/url] Edit: According to SteamDB, there are 15,000 people playing Destiny 2 and 30,000 playing Cyberpunk 2077. I don't want to make more analogies, but CD Projekt Red's way paid in the end. It's almost 2025, and Destiny 2 doesn't even have a photo mode.

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        • Destiny content is like a used car on Ebay As is, no refunds

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        • This is like “coexist “ bumper stickers. Great idea….never gonna happen.

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          • They owe us more than a pound of silver for the last couple years of destiny 2 content.

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          • Wouldn't the best thing be to just fix those bugs and extend the episode by one month, to help people catch up on lost time ? I mean you paid to play activity so having it fully working should be in your best interest rather then some fake in game currency.

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          • Sounds like everyone who's disagreeing with this idea is just a bitter person. Always have to be a -blam!- disturber when someone comes up with a great idea. Always has to be the pick me pick me bungee to be your lap dog comment that always has to undermine the individual who's really trying to look out for the rest of the community. This was a great idea you guys stop hating!

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          • I say no because buying any game is a gamble. You might not like the game, it may be buggy as all Heck, but that's the risk one takes. Especially when buying a game from a developer known for buggy, broken releases.

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            9 Replies
            • [quote]Given how buggie this season has been and the fact that most players were either locked out of the act 1 intro quest or didn't get any of the dialog for the fieldworks, plus the tonic bugs. As well as all the numerous other bugs this season I think bungie should offer anyone who paid for Revenant a 1500-2000 Silver refund, as a show of good faith on their part.[/quote] Yeah, people affected by the tonic bug should get a refund.

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            • They should, since a lot of us basically didn't get what we paid for, but we all know they won't. At this point I think they've just given up on trying to keep the game going, and are just milking whatever they can before the game shuts down at the end of Heresy, or maybe Apollo, if they're able to string people along that far.

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              • Always wait at least a week before buying Destiny products. If you didn't do that and still bought this season, tough luck. If you still, after everything Bungie has done, pre-ordered this sht, you have no sympathy from me.

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              • In answer to the OPs Q: No…and to pursue such a course would be akin to pi$$ing directly into the wind.🌬️💨💦….🤔 However, this old tortoise believes BHQ has an excellent opportunity to spread some good cheer amongst this passionate and loyal Community by giving us an unanticipated Xmas treat…as a way of saying ‘Thank Y’all for your continued patience and support…when things go wrong, either by accident or design…’ 🫣 Murphy’s Law…and all dat! 🤕 That is all. Murphy, my ghost, agrees! 👻 Ease Springs! 🫡

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              • Episodes are just worse seasons. It sucks.

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                • That would send the perfect message at this point in time. If they offered refunds every time people started chanting for them the game would have been turned off long ago.

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                  • Should they? >>>> yes Are they going too? >>> nuh uh 🙃

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                  • I’ve never understood why anyone would waste their money on that garbage, but yes you should ask for a refund. I’d highly doubt that you will get it though.

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                  • lol good luck with that !

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                  • Realistically just this season, the annual pass? First season was serviceable the 3rd we don't know we'll see. But considering we already lost well over $200 with the "retirement" of the campaigns its a fool's errand to expect anything

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                  • Honestly. A free ornament or two of choice from eververse would be fine by me.

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                  • No.

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                  • 😂😂

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                  • 1
                    Bugs can suck and negatively impact a player's experience, but there's no way that Bungie will ever issue a refund. Under Bungie's ToU players pretty much have no weight in a matter such as this.

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