1 hour...
1 hour the Dawning Event card was free.
1 hour the ability to access it was removed from the game.
That's all it took for bungie to spring into action.
The Pale Heart (That we've had access to for 6 months) Has been borderline untouchable in any meaningful capacity for 2 months due to Guitar issues. (Playable lifespan of episode echoes ~4 months)
Tether has not been fixed inside the new dungeon for 2 months due to contest dungeon/ error codes & will be fixed halfway into the 3rd month of the season.
Ignitions dealing less damage to bosses after the initial ignition...for 1-2 months.
Players cant craft tonics/ locked out on story content. 2 months & going
A few bugs in the Contest of Elders activity.
Weight gate having been around since Forsaken (years)
Tonics for tomb of elders being bugged.
Back in Echoes: Warlocks were receiving less Reputation gains than hunters & titans for approx ~3 weeks in ritual activities.
But an event card...1 hour.
.... anything that benefits the player is IMMEDIATELY disabled, taken out, nerfed & dealt with.
Game breaking bugs last months. But a small monetary inconvenience nobody likes is bugged immediately (like the rest of the game) & instead of keeping it around for free it gets disabled immediately.
We pay Bungie for serviceable content. The game is barely serviceable as it is currently. Why does a small microtransaction take more priority than many parts of the game that are still bugged.
With how buggy the game is why pay at all.
Edit: A lot of you think i want a free event card.
While i support that idea as a "Make-good" for all of the bugs we have been getting this season.
What this post serves is a cautionary warning for the next year of Destiny.
[quote]With how buggy the game is why pay at all.[/quote]
We are getting another new content model that looks even shakier than the one we are in right now.
Very little information about Frontiers. No future pricing models. No guarantees that the content we receive won't be as buggy or worse.
All of the trust has been severely diminished. Wait to buy new content. You never know if you'll be locked out from enjoying what you paid for.
I wonder why the playerbase numbers are in the toilet...
The OP is 100% correct on this. But's let's stop and think who has actually benefited from this bug. Firstly, streamers, who have convinced themselves that playing video games is an [i]actual profession [/i]and never turn Destiny off, and secondly, the no lifers who never work, and confine themselves to their man/women caves in front of banks of monitors and live on energy drinks to stay awake for weeks on end. Obviously, there are genuine unfortunate people who cannot work for various reasons, so gaming is a huge help to them in a social aspect or just an escape from their hardship, so they are not included in this rant. What I'm saying is, normal people who live normal busy lives, with normal jobs, have missed out on this. Now Bungie can do one of two things. Make this free to everyone, or reverse it and make everyone pay who wishes to, as intended. To repeat what the OP stated, this glitch was taken down WITHIN THE HOUR, so there ARE people who can rectify bugs when it suits them, and is proof that any issues that impact the player base in a negative way are put on the "we [b][i]might [/i][/b]look into later" pile.
How fitting that bungie during the holidays are playing the Scrooge
[quote]1 hour... 1 hour the Dawning Event card was free. 1 hour the ability to access it was removed from the game. That's all it took for bungie to spring into action. Meanwhile: The Pale Heart (That we've had access to for 6 months) Has been borderline untouchable in any meaningful capacity for 2 months due to Guitar issues. (Playable lifespan of episode echoes ~4 months) Tether has not been fixed inside the new dungeon for 2 months due to contest dungeon/ error codes & will be fixed halfway into the 3rd month of the season. Ignitions dealing less damage to bosses after the initial ignition...for 1-2 months. Players cant craft tonics/ locked out on story content. 2 months & going A few bugs in the Contest of Elders activity. Weight gate having been around since Forsaken (years) Tonics for tomb of elders being bugged. Back in Echoes: Warlocks were receiving less Reputation gains than hunters & titans for approx ~3 weeks in ritual activities. But an event card...1 hour. .... anything that benefits the player is IMMEDIATELY disabled, taken out, nerfed & dealt with. Game breaking bugs last months. But a small monetary inconvenience nobody likes is bugged immediately (like the rest of the game) & instead of keeping it around for free it gets disabled immediately. We pay Bungie for serviceable content. The game is barely serviceable as it is currently. Why does a small microtransaction take more priority than many parts of the game that are still bugged. With how buggy the game is why pay at all. Edit: A lot of you think i want a free event card. While i support that idea as a "Make-good" for all of the bugs we have been getting this season. What this post serves is a cautionary warning for the next year of Destiny. [quote]With how buggy the game is why pay at all.[/quote] We are getting another new content model that looks even shakier than the one we are in right now. Very little information about Frontiers. No future pricing models. No guarantees that the content we receive won't be as buggy or worse. All of the trust has been severely diminished. Wait to buy new content. You never know if you'll be locked out from enjoying what you paid for.[/quote] Solution!!! Maybe stop pre-ordering, maybe don’t buy because the man who makes videos on the internet said it was good, and wait till people who are honest and critical call out all the problems, this way you can make a more informed purchase, maybe question the price of the game, the game’s expansions, “extra” content, judge the pricing model much more critically on the basis of previous performances. I don’t know about you all, but I did the math, I have spent far less than a majority of the community, I got the Forsaken pack, with everything, for about $45 on New Years, I got Beyond light for about $20, which was a mistake because that expansion even with everything was not worth $20, Witch Queen for $30, light fall was gifted to me by a friend who lost a bet, but even then we still got it for a deal. I am not spending the money Bungie ask me for, because they are not creating the game we’ve asked for, and like the money they get from me, I am going to treat this like the bottom of the discount bin at best buy. Don’t spend triple A prices for stuff that is only worth triple -D, bottom barrel products should always be worth bottom barrel coins. The dev’s can’t do much if the people on top can’t hear the common folks, unless the money that divides us becomes thinner, and the executives better be careful, because with no walls, there’s no room, so no business, and you need a room to conduct the most basic functions of a business.
Yeah, this one was too much. A slap in the face. Not a good look. Wallet is closed well beyond the Dawning event card upgrade.
Completely agree. I’m done. I am never giving this lot any more of my money. Just fix it !!
Well and what do you guys actually expect out of this greed infested company these days? You guys keep repeating yourselves. Bungie has been like this since dawn. Stop giving them money and stop engaging with the store / any form of mtx's in the game. How is that so hard for people. THEY will clearly never change. YOU need to change your behaviours. You are punching a brick wall, good luck pushing through.
Would a free card have put them out of business?
Preach Bruh. I still can't access Tonics quest on my Hunter and it sucks. On a PAID for season.
Never going to buy it. But if I had gotten it for free, it would have been a glimmer of hope in this game that feels like it’s deliberately working against its customers.
Still curious why tether hasn’t been fixed in the new dungeon. But hey… fix that $10 event card, I guess ?
You know the best part is. The FEW times they’ve let a bug exist they act like they’re some saint being oh so generous. They’re just greedy guzzling money -blam!-
It was done on purpose. Streamers got the card for free, plus a bunch of views on videos they pushed out reporting on the error. Then you had a bunch of people logging in to take advantage of the error, only to be denied. Bungo got a bunch of logins recorded, streamers got free content and video views. Worked as intended 👍
Free card was affecting car sales
Edited by justin_giver: 12/11/2024 6:24:00 PMPeople are going to crucify the op. How dare they make a profit abd they have to pay the staff. Totally get that point. The point being missed is that they don’t have to fix what is broke for us because they have our money. The card upgrade was moneyvthey havnt siphoned from us yet. That’s the point. If it affects our $$ and enjoyment, we wait on them. If it affects their $$ it’s done immediately. Maybe they could start prioritizing the players concerns. I think we’d all fall over in Shock if they did but they are clearly loosing the communities good will and patience. Numbers are down badly abd with new players having issues onboarding due to bugs, poor engagement etc. you’d think they might figure out they need some good PR.
Their priorities are clear. No ifs, ands or buts. Just straight business.
I was going to purchase the event card but after not being able to focus the weapons I’ll keep my money in my wallet. Always some bs with these guys. They can fix that they dropped the event for free quick but I can’t focus any of the weapons. Well money talks, they clearly about there paper not there content.
Yeah, sadly at this point, this is gonna be the last time I ever spend money on the game. If it even survives past the end of the Final Shape year, whatever we're gonna get afterwards is guaranteed to be very low quality and borderline unplayable. As much as I wanted to believe the naysayers were wrong, Destiny really is dying, or rather practically dead already. It's sad to see it go, it could've been such a great and long lasting game, if Bungie had put in even a fraction of the effort that they put into fixing bugs that benefit players, and growing Pete Parson's car collection.
No one should be surprised by this. Bungie has made it perfectly clear what their priorities are. It's not about delivering a great gaming experience, it's about trying to squeeze as much money as possible from the remaining players as they can. This has been their agenda for a while now. They will always pick profit over engagement.
You wanna see Bungo work? Find an exploit that directly reduces their revenue. Theyll fix it or remove it in record breaking time. Theyll mobilize their entire workforce of 10 developers to get it done. However, are you upset at a single super breaking a dungeon that we paid for? Youll get to wait 2 months for that ONE fix. Direct profits loss or gain is the ONLY thing that matters to Bungo at this point. No other bug, error, or quality reducing problem will gain their attention.
Cry louder. Maybe it will help
Bungie fixes what can be fixed, when it can be fixed. Pricing errors are obviously much easier to fix than error codes and other bugs. Think about it. It's probably a one line code. Not to mention, the monetary impact it has on their bottom line is honestly extremely important to them...as it should! Why? Seems to me to be a very obvious reason: Without a profitable business model...NO ONE WOULD BE PLAYING THIS GAME AT ALL, IN ANY STATE. Why is it this difficult to understand? Why do you guys feel compelled to continuously spam this forum with the same complaints? You show your maturity and comprehension skills each and every time you do.
Bungie has ALWAYS been quick to fix or disable anything that benefits the player or gives the player something for free. Otherwise they’ll get to it eventually cause the pale heart isn’t making money to keep them afloat. Especially here right before their holiday break. Sorry man I know it feels bad but this how bungie has ALWAYS been and will ALWAYS be.
The state of the game now is the prime example why I'm on the fence about Frontiers especially with the changes happening. If they are having this much trouble with just seasons and events now these guys are not ready to release 2 shadow keep size expansions /seasons and events next year I personally think some delays need to start happening now because we reached the point more bugs are popping up then they handle now especially after laying off majority of your testers.
Doesn’t matter to me. I got the event card free 🤷🏽♂️
Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 12/13/2024 10:33:02 AMNot that I like to say that, but "judging" by the current state, it will not be better next year. Sony bought themselves competency, and they already removed it from Destiny 2 (etc.) and implemented it on their own. The current CEO (of Bungie) is dethroned, and also has his - at least it looks like that - own agenda for a long time. It's sad, but that how it is. Edit: Text correction