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11/25/2024 10:31:56 PM

still asking for solo dungeon scaling

solo scaling, or solo mode option bc the amount of damage i do is usually 10% and it's a pain to solo any dungeon. just make us deal 3x damage to bosses only and we should be fine.

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  • As a guy who likes to solo flawless the dungeons sometimes, I dont know if I agree with this. If you have a 3 person team with high level gear and they know how to use it all, you can absolutely destroy the dungeons with little effort. Now, I like this because if you're going for specific things and one wants to slog through the thing for hours and it's fun to have an activity with some mechanics and some teamwork that you don't need to find 3 more people to complete. If you are solo, well then you better bring it! You don't have to go flawless to clear the activity, and you don't need to clear the activity to get some cool loot. A solo player can get cool dungeon loot from all encounters and secret chests up to the boss. For example, I am practicing Spire for SF. I got the cool Tex helmet hat for my titan and Warlock, and didn't need to take out the annoying boss. Now, I will struggle bus the absolute sht out of the thing because I just like suffering. But I dont have to. :)

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    4 Replies
    • Why not just patrol EDZ if you want easier content?

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    • Bungie should permanently let the mod solo operative be active if you load in solo.

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        You could also just get better

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          going back to our grave in russia - old

          Ngl probably too little too late on this one.

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        • You can ask everyday for the rest of your life and Noone from bungie will ever read your forum posts or even care to code scaling to fireteam size in dungeons

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          3 Replies
          • [quote]solo scaling, or solo mode option bc the amount of damage i do is usually 10% and it's a pain to solo any dungeon. just make us deal 3x damage to bosses only and we should be fine.[/quote] I like this, gives players that can try do a solo. Could also set it up as you select the activity with the x3 guardian damage modifier to boss as solo. Example Normal Legendary Solo. People that still want the challenge can still run it normal solo, where others that think they can do it can pick solo. Locks fire team and shows in player guardian friends list on that activity. That way if someone see’s you in that activity notifications for invites will be switched off.. that way they can focus ?? Maybe…I have tried spire dungeon but I can’t brake harpy’s eyes.. so might have a better chance in ghost of the deep or Duality witch is my fav dungeon… fingers crossed

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          • Dungeons are scalled for solo, you can just bring 2 friends to make the challenge significantly easier.

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          • Scaling would remove the challenge , then it's just a strike And who can't solo a strike?

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            3 Replies
            • Just been reading the replys on this subject from the same accounts that have always been against any improvement in d2 . It's sad that some just say because a title lmao ,like literally no one cares about the title 😭 It's kinda sad they think someone actually cares about the triumph, bungie could remove the solo triumph from dungeons also scale the health for solo players and no one would give a fk 🤣 🤣 except the odd 1% of players that have helped ruin d2 for the last 3 yrs going. But you can guarantee not one of these players against it are even in the same skill level as gladd and I bet he has the title and doesn't care about it either

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              4 Replies
              • Edited by Yoshi32123: 11/27/2024 6:24:06 AM
                It’s a 3 person activity, don’t pay for it if you aren’t going to play it the intended way without complaining. It’s insane to me how many people refuse to play with others for multi-person intended activities when it could cut the time spent by over 4x the amount. With dungeons, you don’t even need to talk either, what’s stopping you from actually taking help/teamwork from someone that offers politely? I’m glad to help anyone that needs it, but none of the “solo” players ever accept it. At that point it’s their loss but they’ll keep on complaining about it being too hard/not catered to them. I don’t get it

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                5 Replies
                • Yea I get it. I never spent time on solo dungeons except Pit of Heresy and Spire of the Watcher and Spire was annoying as hell because the bosses had so much health. Pit of Heresy was so you could solo the last boss at most in 4 phases with just about any reasonable loadout. Then there was Akelous in Spire which took me way more phases that I'm willing to admit and for the WANTED title I had to suffer through it many times. Mostly soloed the title so it was a pain. I don't even want to play the dungeon anymore which is a shame. I think solo players would be willing to spend more time learning the dungeons if the boss fights weren't such a battle of attrition.

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                • It would be nice if they had it scale like how legendary campaign scale with solo or full fireteam. This scaling give solo a challenge and a full fireteam a challenge despite it being the same activity with more or less guardians. The balance on witch queen campaign is perfect scaling.

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                  40 Replies
                  • I would say add a third difficulty selection that can only be launched while solo. Scale boss health down and enemy health down by a tiny bit, but you wouldn't be able to earn any of the triumphs for the dungeon on this difficulty it would be just to complete encounters and get loot.

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                    7 Replies
                    • Don't get why people are always so against this. When I soloed vesper it was fun and challenging for the first 4 phases, then once I got consistent at that it was not challenging anymore just tedious. You still have to juggle killing enemies staying alive and mechanics with more heat on you if they scale boss health down.

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                      15 Replies
                      • Soloing a dungeon is supposed to be a pain compared to a full fireteam. It’s designed with three people in mind, doing it solo is an extra challenge and isn’t required to be done.

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                        39 Replies
                        • Takes away the challenge Dungeons are a three player activity there should be a challenge for doing it solo

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                          This request is like asking for a marathon to be shorter because you don't like the length. The solo dungeon achievement isn't supposed to be fast, quick and easy. It's supposed to take awhile and be hard. It's probably the best reward for time investment achievements that you can do solo in this game. The game currently has a skill ceiling that makes it possible to kill these bosses fast, but if you lack the skill or loadouts to perform them, you can still beat it if you are persistent and consistent. Scaling ruins the entirety of both of those things that make the solo dungeon experience what it is.

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                        • [quote]it's a pain to solo any dungeon.[/quote] That's by design sweetie. Its supposed to be hard. That's why it's a challenge.

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                          67 Replies
                          • I’m almost 50 with arthritis in my hands and hips, if I can solo them then so can you. The fact that it’s difficult and not everyone can do them is why I like them so much, I prove to myself that my hands haven’t stopped me from doing what I love. If they scaled them down I wouldn’t even bother soloing them.

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                            3 Replies
                            • No just no the games already way to easy.

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                            • That literally takes away from the whole achievement of soloing it. Strikes sure give it a solo option but dungeons? No It’s like complaining that the raid doesn’t have a solo friendly option.

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                            • No. It's supposed to be done in a fireteam. Solo is possible, but it's supposed to be harder. It's one of the activities that are made in a way to encourage multiplayer. If you can't do it, git gud. There's a reason I don't.

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                              2 Replies
                              • They fired DEI Fireteam, sry…

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                                5 Replies
                                • I don't solo dungeons but I don't think scaling is necessary. It takes away the challenge of completing an activity meant for three people.

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                                • Edited by moist: 11/26/2024 8:40:13 PM
                                  What would be the point of soloing them then? All the difficulty would be gone. I guess if it was optional it would be fine but the solo emblems and stuff shouldn’t drop.

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