I think SMG usage has fallen off drastically because it does not scale well into endgame content.
On top of buffing damage all around, I think SMGs should get a small bar that fills when dealing damage, much like glaives or support ARs. When full, you'd be able to special reload to pull another identical smg and dual wield them. Kills while dual wielding would add more time, much like Transcendence.
Currently SMGs are worse than sidearms and ARs. With this change, SMG gameplay would be low/high/low/high, while sidearms would be a trusty, constant in-between.
Yes please
It would be cool in PVE
Dual wielding has been a highly requested feature since D1 first launched. Nothing new. Still... BUMP.
Been asking for akimbo for awhile now, if you see some captains from the fallen enemies holding akimbo swords oof that too is badass. Sidearms, smg, hc akimbo archetype would go hard as well as akimbo melee weapons.
Well not in pvp ….lots of smgs 😂
Try PK titan in pve.. shreds..
I just want a wild west season so we can get double barrel shotguns and dual wield revolvers, even if it's exclusively just an exotic.
I think this is a great suggestion! Would certainly be fun!
My reason is having to reload a pea shooter every 2sec to kill 1 maybe 2 enemies isn't fun or worth having
I think it feels this way because shotguns are way too strong. Players that say just stay away from shotgunned are probably shotgun players. They can close the distance long before you can kill them with an smg. You can fly across a room, slide and spam your trigger with shotty faster than someone can kill you with smg or sidearm.
That's a really cool idea. Kinda like Halo but not all the time. How would you proc it? Hold reload maybe??
I also think smgs need a buff and the dual wield would be awesome I would main them just for that even if they didn’t put a dmg buff on them!
Master Chief from Halo 2 and 3 wants to know your location