I hope people can work past preference and preferred play style to think about this.
Fusions DO NOT ship with the perk Opening Shot let alone under pressure+opening shot. For obvious and good reasons. That is why Closing Time does not belong on fusions & is allowing Zealots Reward and VS Gravitic Arrest to perform way out of band.
Its great to have variety in perk choices and not just to be forced onto one path, so to that end Closing Time is a great addition to the game for EVERY OTHER weapon but not fusions.
If none of that jived with you maybe look at it like this. By replacing Closing Time with Opening Shot it would be a effective nerf to the fusion arch-type.
hmu for pms - old
More reason for me to bag those zero skill fusion crutchers even harder -
Who are you to decide what belongs where. Man, pack it up and move on. Whining about 10-20 range when plenty perks like that exist.
Shotguns still more dominant and brain dead easy to use. If this means more shotgun apes getting melted then...😀
Sounds like a skill issue.
Astronomical skill issue
The fact zealot can map me while im using glaciochasm is wild. Im supposed to have a better range since im using a high impact slow rof fusion. Yet a fast charge rate low impact kills me at the same range XD. (Decided to farm garden of salvation for it after this week trials lmao)
“I dont like this gun im dying to so it must be nerfed because i can’t shotty at fusion rifle range and it greatly upsets me”
[quote]Fusions DO NOT ship with the perk Opening Shot[/quote] [i]Tempered Dynamo with Opening Shot and High Impact Reserves has entered the chat.[/i]
Bro got outplayed and is crying about it
Nerf shottys bring the fusion meta
Heh, i dropped a god roll with it because I dont play much pvp, lol
In short, you're complaining because you got dropped by someone who got a kill and you're malding over it
Actually Fusions have shipped with Opening Shot, like my Tempered Dynamo. But debatedly Closing TIme is very strong. However for all the complaining about High Ground (PR) and Closing Time (Fu) the meta on high skilled players hasnt even flinched once away from Handcannon and Shotgun - not even a little bit. So, yeah, fix that first. I'll wait.
They should bring back pre-nerf Lorentz Driver…
They nerfed the fk out of under pressure so they could stack these perk to bring it back to get players artificially excited. Players have to run both perks just to get basically they had a year ago before the nerf all while loosing a perk.
Edited by Hawpy: 11/11/2024 11:03:15 PM[quote] Fusions DO NOT ship with the perk Opening Shot let alone under pressure+opening shot. For obvious and good reasons. [/quote] So glad I held onto Tempered Dynamo. It's not even very good, but I like owning it for that reason.
Sure it does -sincerely Fusion main
Sounds like a great perk to me
You don't get to decide what belongs on what If it was up to me all weapons would have access to all perks , chain reaction on an auto , bring it on
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.
[quote]Fusions DO NOT ship with the perk Opening Shot let alone under pressure+opening shot. For obvious and good reasons[/quote] Good reason, yes. Obvious, no. Tempered Dynamo had Opening Shot, but it only worked on the first projectile in a burst. I don't think they ever fixed it, and since they haven't released one with it since, the cost/reward ratio might not have been there to even try