Gonna get -blam!- on for this, but they need to just remove PVP. It's a toxic wasteland anyway. Comparable to Sea of Thieves arena. The percentage of toxicity reports that originate from it passes even the percentage of players that DON'T play PVP.
Pvp is honestly the only thing worth playing . Idk about anyone else but the content in this new iteration of destiny is designed to be throwaway garbage
Maybe to you. I find PVE to be quite fun. The story is cringe, but it was nice to see Cayde again. I just wish they unsunset the old DLC. If you can find fun in a busted, wasteland gamemode kudos to you. 🍸
Edited by Vyper: 11/12/2024 3:51:18 PMIt's fun lmao, play a party gamemode if the hardcore stuff isn't for you You need to define toxicity as well, if it's just getting bagged or mild hatemail after a match you need to adjust yourself and your feelings I don't even know how you can complain about toxicity when later comments on this post show you saying you DON'T play PvP Toxicity reports are warranted when people are threatening you and using slurs, not because of behavior, and anyways people don't get banned for it anyway, nobody at bungie cares
hmu for pms - old
lol isn’t that kind of just gaming culture. Mostly all bark no bite -
Very true
There's a reason I don't play PVP, put it to you that way. If you want a real answer the KD boosters are everywhere and are toxic as hell. The forums flood with toxic people expecting me to bag some fries for them, and everything is about winning. People get so angry if they don't. You'd get a calmer reaction after calling a girl ugly on her sweet 16. Compare that to PVE where all I ever see that's even remotely toxic is "KWTD" and "Experienced players only".
People really need to learn how to have fun
Exactly. Stop being so serious, you're taking all the fun away.
If PVP gets removed, I stop playing.
Or you could just not play it. Wild idea.
[quote]Or you could just not play it. Wild idea.[/quote] There’s always you. Instead of fixing the problem, you add to it. You offer no solution just a hollow smart mouth comment because you’re angry at your parents. They don’t love you. Accept it.
[quote][quote]Or you could just not play it. Wild idea.[/quote] There’s always you. Instead of fixing the problem, you add to it. You offer no solution just a hollow smart mouth comment because you’re angry at your parents. They don’t love you. Accept it.[/quote] This is the most triggered reply Ive ever seen lol
lmao the projection is hilarious. Getting whiny children out of the game IS fixing it, my intellectually challenged friend.
Considering I said it was a waste of time that should tell you all you need to know. I wouldn't be saying remove it if I played it. I'm just sick of seeing "PVP is broken." "PVP this" "PVP that" "Unplayable PVP". At this point they're putting too many resources into PVP for it to be worth it.
All those are fine opinions for you to have, but there's no reason your opinion of it should result in anything other than YOU not playing it lol. You thinking it's a waste of time doesn't tell me anything but YOUR opinion lmao. If you're sick of seeing posts about it, there's a pretty easy solution for that too tbh.
Yeah. Easy solution. Get rid of PVP. Considering it takes almost half the resources yet is only 15% of the playerbase, the return isn't worth it. Better to focus on quality PVE content than PVP trash that creates nothing but toxicity.
hmu for pms - old
With 50 %of resources you would hope they could properly nerf pris hunter and Titan after literal months. -
Right? You see so many buffs, nerfs, QOL updates, etcetera, yet they can't balance worth a -blam!-.
What proof do you have it takes "half the resources"???? lmao You're just using numbers you made up to justify your terrible opinions lol.
The 15% is true, that I got on [url]https://warmind.io/activity[/url]. The half is more like the fact that basically every time something breaks it's PVP's fault. Let's face it, 90% of the sandbox balancing is only driven by PVP. The rest is nerfs because Bungie's a bunch of killjoys.
None of that even REMOTELY backs up the claim that PvP consumes 50% of their resources, which is demontrably untrue when you look at the amount of PvP content we get vs PvE lol. Nerfs and buffs =/= resources, and I didn't say anything about the 15% number, even though it is inaccurate, mostly since you have to register with Charlemagne for it to count your stats lol. Listen, just don't play PvP if you don't like it. It's really that simple. There's not a single reason to remove it just because you don't enjoy it. And if you're tired of seeing posts about it, log off! Touch grass. Do literally anything else. You don't HAVE to be here, or in PVP lol. It's not required and you will be okay.
It's not even that. It's the fact that it's very clearly in a broken state that is very clearly only ever getting worse. This game is committing... Self unmaking... *Ahem* And PVP being this broken with Bungie doing nothing to fix it except useless changes proves it's a waste of resources. It's never going to improve.
How can they simultaneously be "doing nothing to fix it" AND "using 50% of their resources on it" ????? Please tell me lol.
Note: I said nothing TO FIX IT. They patch stuff, but it's usually stuff that doesn't help ever.
So let me get it straight. The argument is they're using 50% of the games resources on PvP, but only to patch stuff that's inconsequential to "fixing" it? 🤣