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Edited by Dredgen Vale: 11/11/2024 9:01:16 PM

¿The Guardian is a Hunter, Warlock or a Titán, o a Hibrid?

Well, in My head-canon, the Guardian is a hunter, Everyone has their own head-canon and opinion, and it was stupid of me to determine and decide the guardian class.
#lore #destiny2

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  • There is no canonical “the guardian” unfortunately. There was meant to be but they changed it. Now there can be a hero from 1 who is different than 2 but it can also be the same. The only canon heroes that carried over was the trailer team and they were killed off.

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      bring back 1 shot kelgorath's in pvp - old

      there is no 'canon guardian' but considering we're probably the strongest guardian in lore it'd probably be a safe headcanon to assume we're a hybrid. though i would like to add: we do have canon weapons, it was confirmed in season of dawn "one of our favourite weapons" was bastion, also on our grave was ergo sum which is a sword literally gifted to us by the traveler itself; so yeah, safe to assume if we could we'd be running around with ergo sum and bastion 24/7.

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      • Destiny 2 is an MMO Video Game. In a similar vein to Final Fantasy XIV, everyone who plays through the game's story is the main character of the story. Both have customizable characters, so the Guardian/Warrior can look however the player wants, be whatever race the player wants, and be whatever class the player wants. Simply put, The Guardian is whichever one of your three characters you are playing as. Even in lore, we are just referred to as The Guardian and are referred to as "they" in this particular lore tab: That way, we can slot in the Guardians we create to be our characters into that spot in the lore. Given the Raids are canon, we can assume that the Guardian typically works with a fireteam of three, or six Guardians, with the other five being of a similar level of skill as the Guardian.

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        • There is no canon guardian.

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          • The Class Structure is mostly intended for New Lights (In Lore) with most guardians being able to mix the structures. That being said, most guardians will also generally stay within 1 subclass as their primary power, only branching out lightly. So, we have the New Lights. They don’t split or drift away from their respective Subclass. We then have the Average Guardian. They don’t drift too much from their primary subclass. You might see one pull of a Blink on Arc, or some other crap. We then have the upper classes of Guardians. They will actively use different abilities from the other classes employed to best suit them. Like when Felwinter used a Shoulder Charge. They will also make use of multiple subclasses (See Ikora) Then we have The Guardian. In part because The Guardian is the player character, they are one of if not the only Guardian to completely bypass the entire subclass and class system in the first place, able to be a Titan, Hunter, and Warlock all at the same time. Mind you, the Guardian is incredibly powerful, more so than the Drifter (Darkage Lightbearer. Not a Guardian, nor does he follow the class system) so this, plus the fact that we bypass the Class system is a testament to our absolute absurdity. On a tangent, I would like to point out that all the D1 subclasses still exist. Sunsinger and Arcblade both being the ones to no longer exist. They only exist within the lore though. And with Final Shape, it seems as though Sunsingers and Arcblades along with their respective counterparts, Dawnblades and Arcstriders, have slowly been combining into 1 single subclass. With the Advent of both Song of Flame (A Radiance like Super) and Storms Edge (an Arcblade themed super) as proof.

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          • The answer is that every individual player plays the canonical guardian. You can see it as everyone plays the events of the game on their own timeline that only differs in a single way (who "The Guardian" is) For every players game every other player is simply another guardian but the player is "The" guardian. So if youre an Exo Warlock then The Guardian is an Exo Warlock, if youre an Awoken Hunter then The Guardian is an Awoken Hunter. Events the player has not done are not done by The Guardian but by other Guardians of that timeline, once the player has done them then you can technically argue you shift timelines to one where your Guardian is The Guardian who did those first.

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          • Canonically, you are playing "the" Guardian's story, but is purposely never stated the race or class of the Guardian. Several stories do this, so that it is written with the player as the hero, everyone else being just another Guardian in your fireteam or in the Tower. So technically it is a weird mix of all three races and classes, kind of like multiple versions of a myth, which means your own head-canon is correct and as valid as the next person's. (Personally, my own head-canon is my Guardian is just re-living the campaign or other activity through a simulation of their recorded events.)

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          • Edited by Ferus Lux: 11/10/2024 7:31:00 AM
            Nope! It's a Titan. They're front and center on the D2 Box art. Start of D2 Amanda tells Zavala "I picked up that Guardian you never shut up about." Zavala is the Vanguard mentor to Titans. Also, all of Young Wolfs one liners are short and cold. "I don't think I have a choice." "Uldren mine." "The only thing I have to [b]break[/b] YOU. "We'll deal with the future when it comes." These are simplistic crayon eater lines. Titans were the first Guardian class. They defended the refugees. They built the walls. They are the backbone of any fireteam and I can't picture a hunter doing god killing stuff because they have the weakest light output in lore 👀 [spoiler]Box Art is never really a good metric since Warlock was central to the Witch Queen and Lightfall covers. Young Wolf is most likely a renegade class like Drifter and Eris, who cannot be called a hunter at this point im sorry. Young also does have a habit of embracing any kind of power no matter its source and was the first Transcendant being.[/spoiler]

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