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1/24/2025 4:43:49 PM

❦ Luna~ The most active and welcoming clan on Destiny accepting all ❦ Tired of dead clans? Not finding one following through with promises? Or are you a new player just looking for some quality help? If you answered yes to any of these join Luna~ the current largest and most active community you can find anywhere in Destiny is accepting all ✨ We have spent countless hours building the best clan and discord community in the entire game, sparing no expense when making the perfect space for everyone to enjoy Destiny to the fullest extent. No matter your skill level or experience we accept everyone. You are so close to never having to play the game alone again! Let me tell you how ・❥ • The best Sherpa experience any clan could offer ・❥ • Daily events and special rewards for YOU ・❥ • Active and engaging discord community Our only requirements ・❥ • Join the discord ・❥ • Upvote and leave a comment Our Discord- Clan:

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