I just cannot be bothered logging on that much these days. I do not hate Bungie and have played Destiny for thousands of hours and loved it for most of the time, but there just too many niggles that should not be in a game that is ten years old.
Each player will have their own pet hates, but these are mine for what they are worth.
No controllable save points. Real life often intrudes and you have to leave unexpectedly and not been able to save your progress is very frustrating, especially when you are not that good a player and getting to a particular can take ages.
Optional matching for everything. Players who use this option have to acknowledge before use that game play may not be optimal. Players who do not want to participate are excluded from the player pool who do. This way everyone gets to play how they want.
Full crafting on all weapons. Get rid of that dependence on the Stingy RNG god to get decent weapons.
It would be nice to hear from other players what their pet gripes are. If Bungie does not get the feedback the game will continue to die.
Good gaming to all.