I thought to wear an OG white shader from D1 instead of honors of the nine but no, I did a side by side comparison of just the basic flowing armor from the trials of the nine and it’s like dreaming spectrum and bitterpearl just got mixed in the washer, even rivalry resolute gives more white than this shader. Please tell me this is not intentional and will be fixed.
It's literally the same as it was in D1, y'all will literally cry about anything. This is why bungie ignores their own forum
Just use honours of the nine
Just leave it, it’s just a shader there will be hundreds of new shaders in the future…
umm... its colors that your undead avatar can wear in a virtual world.. were you expecting it to change your game's enjoyment.. what could it have achieved if it was the most beautiful thing ever? you can buy shaders every Tuesday.. I admit I buy-em (cause what else am I gonna do with the bright dust?) but its just silly side fun.. like playing dress-up with your dolls/action figures.. its just not gonna affect gameplay.. unless you can blend in on Eternity a bit :) now you might wonder what is the most beautiful thing ever > that would probably be a triceratops that you can have as a pet that can create amazing works of art, lay eggs, be milked, and when it dies can leave you with perfect bone-in rib-eyes for life... hmphh I guess just some people have higher standards than a shader...
Simple steps. Easy shader. No real effort. Gain a shader.
The shaders fine man. It’s not the end of the world. Plus; honors of the nine is literally an all white shader so there’s always that.
Unfortunately it's intentional. DMG said it was on twitter.
I killed HATHREK, THE GLASWEARD more than once and I try to shoot the orb but it says immune and Hathrek came back alive. I started to find a video on how to kill him then I was that you have to grab the orb after killing Hathrek and I tried to do that but it didn't say to press square on my o Controller so I got closer and nothing happened. So I kept having to defeat this witch many times but it keeps coming back to life. I think it is a glitch unless I'm wrong.
If they ever brought the OG skolas shader that one would be super white. It was always whiter than chatterwhite.
Considering how often shaders have strange coloration that doesn't fit the icon, I doubt it's not intentional
Super black is worse then Twilight keepsake and now chatter white is worse then bitterpearl Bungie keeps failing at simple colors God I wish they did more player voting on these things same with new weapons let us vote for perk pools
The question then would be why? How can they not create a destiny 1 shader?