Swapping unbreakable for controlled demolition and knockout for the new bolt charge aspect would make the class far more well rounded on the whole.
If they removed Knockout after that consecration nerf and forced Storm's Keep on people, there would be ZERO reason to ever use prismatic. I'm curious what kind of play loop you are seeing there?
I've been saying this since [i]Prismatic[/i] launched: There is [b]ZERO[/b] reason to maintain [b]Overshields[/b] on [i]Prismatic[/i]. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Until there is some sort of [b]Fragment[/b] or [b]Aspect[/b] synergy with [b]Overshields[/b] on [i]Prismatic[/i], [b]Unbreakable[/b] will be [i]useless[/i].
Better idea Let the old system die and move everything onto prismatic
Prismatic Titan has always been kinda weird. Only 2 gameplay loops that are easy to see. Suspend targets and kill them with consecration. Or use consecration after a glacier grenade or Diamond lance.