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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
1/24/2025 12:40:17 PM

I’m still advocating for scaling dungeon boss health to the fireteam.

The only thing that’s still holding me back from the solo dungeon experience is how chunky the bosses’ are. Not only is it a slog, but I do not trust the servers/coding enough to keep me in the dungeon if I’m just going to be error coded, architected, or bugged out at the end. With how long these completions can take, I do not want my time wasted. Please give the dungeon boss’s this treatment. Lower the health for solo, and then increase per fireteam member added. The add pools or mechanics aren’t that much of an issue unless they glitch you out for some reason. I feel like this change would by healthy & open up the solo or even due experience to other players, and hopefully lead to more opportunities for a master-solo dungeon experience as the “next challenge”. Right now, for most it just does not seem worth it. Please take this into consideration! Thank you.

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