The only thing that’s still holding me back from the solo dungeon experience is how chunky the bosses’ are.
Not only is it a slog, but I do not trust the servers/coding enough to keep me in the dungeon if I’m just going to be error coded, architected, or bugged out at the end. With how long these completions can take, I do not want my time wasted.
Please give the dungeon boss’s this treatment. Lower the health for solo, and then increase per fireteam member added. The add pools or mechanics aren’t that much of an issue unless they glitch you out for some reason.
I feel like this change would by healthy & open up the solo or even due experience to other players, and hopefully lead to more opportunities for a master-solo dungeon experience as the “next challenge”.
Right now, for most it just does not seem worth it.
Please take this into consideration!
Thank you.
They won't because they want players to play together... but - I'd agree; so long as the triumphs attached to scaled health isn't applicable; leave those triumphs/emblems etc to those that actually do the triumphs as intended.
Destiny is a PvE community cooperative game. If you CHOOSE to play solo, then you're CHOOSING to make it harder for yourself. The game is designed around the cooperative experience. Get with it or stop complaining. I like to do stuff solo. But if something is enough of a challenge, I team up with friends, or clanmates, or LFG (as a last resort). Or I just man up and do it alone even if it means wiping 50 times until I get it right. Destiny isn't a solo player campaign game. It's not Skyrim. It's not a CoD campaign. It's a PvE TEAM game.
A lot of games do this. It would be a small step in the right direction to gain new player traction.
Изменено (BackdoorBacon): 1/27/2025 2:18:07 AMOr just make a game wide blanket change to outgoing damage like the solo operative artifact mod does when it’s around. Seriously it hurts nobody just to do that. I don’t see a single soul complaining how solo operative ruined their fireteam experience when it’s active. The people running with fireteams are still going to run with fireteams and it’ll still be the most effective thing to do so.
I've been lucky enough to solo flawless every dungeon to date. That being said, I would agree to a change like this. Not as much for me, but it would be great to encourage new players to attempt this content, and the more players being exposed to endgame activities the better IMO.
So a full fireteam dungeon boss will have 50,000,000 HP ?
No. The game is meant to be played in a fireteam. Make some friends or stop crying. Most dungeons are easy enough to solo anyway. There's a reason they say "Guardians are stronger together" and not "Guardians are just as strong together as they are when they are alone."
I'm sure they appreciate the suggestion, but this will never happen. Dungeons are not designed to be done easily by 1 or 2 people. It's a 3 person activity, and the encounters/ bosses reflect that.
The problem with the puppeteer isn’t the health per se but the damage phase itself. So much bull crap is happening during damage that it’s virtually impossible to deal optimal damage. You have oneshot lightning everywhere randomly and you have clones following you around and being annoying. I don’t think people would be that mad about the health if the damage phase wasn’t abysmal. Like the warlords ruin boss has a lot of health but it doesn’t feel annoying to fight because you do small bursts of damage and the damage phase is good.
That would be cool, but then again, we might be getting a power reset in frontiers
I doubt they will ever make that kind of change but to illustrate your point, here are the HP values of the last 5 bosses. In just over 2 years, Boss damage tripled. Vesper's Host Puppeteer 16,288,007 Warlord's Ruin Hefnd 13,652,656 Ghosts of the Deep Simmumah 8,160,713 Spire of the Watcher Persys 7,823,809 Duality Caiatl 5,970,477
And not.
I'll advocate for health scaling if it works like the campaign's and the bosses health goes up with more players. The solo experience is fine. The 3 man experience is a strike
A solo Dungeon isn't something that's really meant to be "worth it" from a time or rewards perspective. At least for the latest releases, most players are going to solo/SF it once for the Triumphs and drop rate boosts, then never do it again. It's done for the prestige and emblem reward to show off, not out of efficiency or lack of other players to help. As soon as you commit to doing it solo, you're in it for the long haul; your time is already being wasted because it's a very inefficient use of it. I agree that error codes and other bugs are a valid concern a lot of the time, but even a slow, conservative solo run of the longest Dungeons shouldn't take much more than 2 hours with good loadouts.
It’ll happen eventually. Look at what they’re doing to trials for the sake of the casual audience. Dungeons will become strikes at some point.
terrible idea. They did that with that mission on the space station. Could do it solo, but not with 3 players. They will make it so hard with a three person team, there is no way average players could even come close to completing it.
Agree 100%
Nah thats a hot take. Dungeons are a three man activity with a reward for doing them solo its meant to be difficult and time consuming, and I use time consuming loosely. No run takes very long and hour most of the time.
My opinion as a player who never soloed any dungeon: The difficulty doesn’t need to be changed, just the bugs should be fixed as soon as possible after the release.. I am not a sweat or try hard, it’s just the emblem should not be so easily obtainable by everyone.. Solo Flawless Emblem should represent not only patience but also “Real Skill”
Don't think you'd need boss scaling if you made solo operative intrinsic in dungeons and allowed over levelling again.