An average full-time job that's 40 hours a week for an entire year you'll work 2080 hours. Check your Playstation app to see how many hours you play Destiny 2. Anything over 9,000 hours you basically worked a full-time job for four and a half years and mind you nobody paid you. You worked a full-time job for four and a half years only to be upset towards the end of quitting this job. Wild and sad! lol
It wasn't a job. The currency it paid was fun and good times with friends. People are upset their passion and a prime source of enjoyment is in trouble. So stop with the sneering posts designed to make people feel dumb about playing Destiny 2.
Wow I have 1300 nearly. Bungie owes me some compensation lol
Mind… blown 😲
Yet you sleep and no one pays you to do so. Amateur
Изменено (FluffyDragonZ): 1/26/2025 7:30:05 PMAnother fact 8 hours is only a 3rd of a day, and the game has been out for over 7 years. In 7 years there are approximately 61,320 hours, working 40 hours every week of the year for 7 years is 14,560 hours. This means most people working a full time job would have had 46,560 hours of free time and time for sleep. There are just over 2,555 days in seven years, and playing around 3.5 hours a day every day during that time would net 9000 hours. This would also be just shy of 5 hours a day if only playing on week days, and over 12 hours a day if only playing on weekends. Again this all assumes that you are only working a full time job, it doesn't account for those not working, those who are in school while working, those in school not working, the use of days off and vacations, days off from school, those who used to be in school and aren't anymore, or those whose job is to play video games. Also at the place I work 35 hours a week is the minimum to be considered full time, and that 9000 hours wouldn't even reach that. So everyone reading this is welcome for having their time wasted, by people who care about how others spend their time.
Precisely why I tried to tap into the streaming route. I'm sinking irreplaceable time into this franchise. Time is money. Wrap your head around this early in life. . Unfortunately, making any type of headway into streaming this franchise is nearly impossible. There's so many established personalities & wildly skilled players, that a slightly above average joe like myself can't break ground. . Point and case, I pulled 30 views overnight streaming Overwatch ( a game I am legitimately good at) having [b]NEVER[/b] streamed it before. Meanwhile, I struggle to pull 10 views overnight on a D2 play session. . Have the same interactions with Far Cry 5 as well, where it'll rack up overnight views. . Destiny just isn't a spectator game. People only interact with CCers for guides & carries. Very few high charisma personalities that retain engagement.
Where’s the reality shattering info?
Изменено (CORPERATE COMMANDER): 1/24/2025 1:30:05 PMHow did this post get downvotes 🤣 🤣 or did your post actually hit them hard with reality 😆
I thought you was going to talk about the white shader that looks like " shatter " white
You play games to pass time and have fun. You should probably be spending time having fun then working if you can afford to and have no responsibilities to take care of. Then there me with a full time job and two kids, with 4k hours 😱
After 20+ years of my martial art hobby, and worn out joints, it was time for a new hobby…Destiny! After 10+ years of my Destiny hobby, and worn out thumbs, it’s time for a…wait…wait….nah, it’s still Destiny. 🫠 Ease Springs! 🥋
But it was more enjoyable. And that's saying something as the state of the game ain't pretty
Изменено (SenXXII): 1/24/2025 8:01:32 PMNope. I have fun when I play. That's my payment: Enjoyment in a hobby with friends I met along the way to have more fun with. Its sad to see people not use their free time for fun and just assume the time they spent on a game WASN'T fun for them. Like it's impossible for that to happen. You need to see a therapist.
“If you can’t tell what’s being exchanged on the market, you’re the commodity being exchanged.”
Do hobbies typically pay money?
That's a wierd point of view. It's just free time... peeps can do what they want. I'll spend a few hours a week doing house work... I don't get paid for that! I sleep for a longer amount of time than I work each week (most weeks perhaps - ive worked crazy hours in the past) pay for me!
Imagine being this much of a hater lol
I enjoy my time when I’m playing Destiny. If you feel upset at the end and want to quit then so be it. Doesn’t mean everyone else feels that way. Obligatory “lol” at the end so everyone knows I had a good laugh that I didn’t keep to myself.
I just checked my PS account and it says zero.
I love my job and I really enjoy playing Destiny. It baffles me that people continue to do either when it makes them miserable. In the case of Destiny - if one feels a need to be ‘compensated’ for time spent in a video game, they’re missing the point; fun. If you’re miserable, yet keep playing - you’re not a gamer, you’re an addict.
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
We’re the ones that get the job done… - 2/10/2025 10:01:59 PM
Man I cant do this -blam!- anymore! 😭 -
This screams “ I just found out how many hours are in a working year and are applying that calculation to everything lol “. Now do sleeping, taking a dump, commuting, ads watched. Actually don’t… I’m just giving you examples for more of your useless math.
[quote]An average full-time job that's 40 hours a week for an entire year you'll work 2080 hours. Check your Playstation app to see how many hours you play Destiny 2. Anything over 9,000 hours you basically worked a full-time job for four and a half years and mind you nobody paid you. You worked a full-time job for four and a half years only to be upset towards the end of quitting this job. Wild and sad! lol[/quote] Okay?