Enuf said ..
Its Fun and awesome to use shouldnt =
make everything feel bland and equal across the board
Perfect formula to keep player retention low
You know they cant let us actually enjoy playing right. We have to be strapped with what they want how they want. Not worth it
[quote]Its Fun and awesome to use shouldnt = make everything feel bland and equal across the board[/quote] . A [b]45%[/b] [i]Blast Radius[/i] [b]Reduction[/b] for a [b]100%[/b] [i]Impact DPS[/i] [b][u]INCREASE[/u][/b] is [b]1,001%[/b] a net [b]BUFF[/b]. . It's like you people don't [i]read[/i] the patch notes....
Rocket sidearms had a strangle hold on pve that suffocated out many alternatives. The nerfs won’t kill rocket sidearms but instead bring them more into balance
Have to admit another round of nerfs to rocket side arms did surprise me. They are fine as is & seems like a very out of touch change.
All fun is nerfed, all grind is buffed.🤷
Yup give the god roll to the mob then nerf it into uselessness
Another nerf because of pvp?
You must be new here. Fun = nerf. Fun + good = [b]NERF[/b] tbf, special weapons shouldn’t be used a primaries, so a nerf was coming sooner or later It’ll still be good tho
The damage overall isn't changed by much this is just making it so the sidearm isn't a one weapon that perfectly does everything. It's a miniboss/champion killer, it clears out rooms of ads for little ammo, it kills majors with no issue, and it's got decent boss damage. It's an everything weapon with 0 downsides. All this does is make it so it can't clear out ads for little ammo.
It's a well deserved nerf for them, they are too strong.
hmu for pms - старое
Yep. They feel nice to use and are pretty powerful. Bungie wants us to spam abilities or dump mag after mag of primary ammo instead