[quote]sacrifice the enjoyment of our solo players who make up most of the population.[/quote]
Bungie being tone deaf still, the OG Bungie may have wanted this to be a multiplayer game, but its just not in its current state
And to steal a line from Joe Dirt "It's not about what you want, it's about the consumer"
And they wonder why only 800 people are playing the game
They are trying to force people into fire teams because that's what Marathon will have. They stupidly think that solos will suddenly want to be on teams. Not going to happen. I'm not even buying the next season due to their locking content progression behind dungeons and raids which is impossible for most casual solo players to complete.
Frustrated - 2/11/2025 8:01:09 PM
Agreed, When I saw the forced multiplayer and direction game was going in with Dual Destiny mission, Microcasm etc I saw the writing on the wall Not doing that, so I'm out -
Yes, because the game shifting so heavily to mass appeal cookie cutter slop for solo players with no social skills and no thumbs has done wonders for this game 😍
While I agree that solo players probably [u]do[/u] make up the bulk of the playerbase, you've taken this quote out of context, because it's referring to the population of Trials of Osiris (which in itself is a minority subsection of the PvP playerbase). And three solo players still make up a fireteam...
[quote][quote]sacrifice the enjoyment of our solo players who make up most of the population.[/quote] Bungie being tone deaf still, the OG Bungie may have wanted this to be a multiplayer game, but its just not in its current state And to steal a line from Joe Dirt "It's not about what you want, it's about the consumer" And they wonder why only 800 people are playing the game[/quote] Illiteracy and nonexistent reading comprehension in the form of a forum post.
They said the Majority is solo in trials, not the entire game. Nice try trying to twist the narrative to fit your position as a solo player bud
LOL, snipping a quote and framing it out of context does not make your opinion fact, sorry.
You should be a political commentator with that level of spin and snip pulling w/o context lol
Read the full context 😂
Изменено (BetweenMyself): 1/23/2025 7:19:11 PMSpeaking as a Solo player I feel compelled to respond by saying that [u]context is important[/u]. The cited quote is from the discussion of upcoming changes to Trials (emphasis added to highlight the quote from your post): [quote]Let’s start with the elephant in the room. Trials of Osiris has several problems we are looking to solve with this rework: • Primarily, Trials is perceived as simply not fun or rewarding for average to below average players. In terms of rewards, there has been a lack of new aesthetic rewards, especially motivational ones for high-skill players, and our weapon rewards have not consistently been best-in-class. • The game mode itself is not always fun to play at a high-stress level. While we have made strides to address this with the weapon tuning, and the 8.2.0 ability tuning mentioned above, we are also making some minor changes to the Dominion game mode to improve the experience. • Finally, we want to solve the issue where Fireteam-Based Matchmaking can make it too difficult to play with friends, but we need to do this in a way that does not [b][i]sacrifice the enjoyment of our solo players who make up most of the population[/i][/b]. The solution we landed on needed a bit of extra time in the oven but is currently scheduled to be released alongside Heresy: Act II.[/quote] With the proper context in place it is clear that they are speaking about how a dip in the population of those who participate in Trials has an outsized effect on finding good matches for those who join with a premade fireteam compared to those who make up the Solo Queue, with the Solo Queue making up a majority [b]of those who play Trials[/b] rather than a majority of those who play the game [i]in general[/i]. They want to be able to improve matchmaking for the premade fireteam Trials players without having to put them in the same queue as Solo players, thus ruining the fun for the latter group. The Solo Queue makes up a majority of the Trials population due to the fact that, unlike in PvE content where having a fireteam will almost always be to the player’s benefit (with the exception of Activities that have the Multiplicity modifier active), going into Trials with a premade fireteam can easily put you at a distinct [b]disadvantage[/b] unless your fireteam is exceptionally skilled as you will only be facing off against other premade fireteams, many of whom formed due to their high skill base combined with good communication practices. It very well [i]could be[/i] that Solo players make up a majority of those who play the game [b]in general[/b] these days, but the quote you pulled was clearly speaking about the difficulties in ensuring timely Trials matchmaking for fireteams in specific, and therefore does not make for the basis of a strong argument to push for a reduction in fireteam focused PvE content. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
They're cooking you in the comment section.
800 people? Christ on a bike, which part of your backside did you pull this out from?
You make so many whiney posts. Give it a rest buddy, we get it.
How? If 80 percent of the game is solo accessible? Seems like you just want EVERYTHING to be solo... Most do not agree with you
This is one of the major reasons the game is in this state, solo players! The game is better in all ways playing with other people. Go play solo games and stop squealing.
Make some friends jeesh lol
Изменено (eliteg): 1/24/2025 9:02:46 PMthe title is correct (I think going "... statement..." actually allows you to quote that way haha whether out of context or not you read it right) - I'm fed to stacks in PVP and just now cheating stacks in Gambit... I wont pay for that no matter how you slice it Bungie... seems like others agree but OP dont fall into that trap.. solo is still multiplayer > when you are matchmaking in freelance activities you are playing multiplayer.. you are filling the world up.. you're just not an easy mark for this company ...and you're right they just continue to double-down against their players ...haha and now a gambit 4 stack.. this game just doesnt make sense
Изменено (Dooodley): 1/24/2025 9:00:11 AMThe [i]game time spent stats[/i] online are pretty clear on the vast majority of game time being spent in activities that were balanced for solo play. Now, that's not to say that everyone is playing solo but it's probably not far fetched to draw that conclusion - you don't really need to rally the troups for destination activities, other than for the social aspect. With that in mind I've always had an issue with how Bungie creates challenges, trophies, titles questlines etc. Nothing's stopping them separating the two ways of playing the game yet they persist on ruining more or less every solo path with one step of "now go do this raid with people you don't know and never will talk to again". If people actually wanted to they'd find friends - it just wouldnt be in-game since Bungie seemingly went out of their way to prevent people from organically interacting. Here's a recent example of how Bungie's approach ruins the fun. So we have season challenges, right? At the end you have an award for having completed like 82 of them, which roughly give you five challenges wiggle room. Well, that wiggle room is quickly eaten up by Trials, Competitive PvP, Grandmaster and other stupid challenges - such as kills with a certain element in PvP. Now, I would be willing to play PvP but as someone who normally doesnt play it and don't know the maps I'm not going to throw myself in there with a loadout that probably isnt ideal, just for the sake of killing people with void. Hence, add enough wiggle room to everything I listed above so that players can pick their own path - because in the end it's just the game time and not what you play that matters. Create these things like you created pathfinder - don't force every player to do everything.
Изменено (The Hermit IX): 1/23/2025 10:59:26 PMI play solo most of the time unless there’s something I really want and I run with a group. It’s sold as a multi player game my guy. There isn’t ever 800 people playing the game either.
Maybe the remaining solo players and other players need to continue to leave. It SHOULD be about the players not the consumer. Without the players they’re losing millions of dollars.
[quote][quote]sacrifice the enjoyment of our solo players who make up most of the population.[/quote] Bungie being tone deaf still, the OG Bungie may have wanted this to be a multiplayer game, but its just not in its current state And to steal a line from Joe Dirt "It's not about what you want, it's about the consumer" And they wonder why only 800 people are playing the game[/quote] Real life epitome of the destiny community.
Изменено (cryptic_king_241): 1/24/2025 11:22:35 AMThe only truth of your post is that you admit to being a thief; a thief of time. [quote]Bungie being tone deaf still, the OG Bungie may have wanted this to be a multiplayer game, but its just not in its current state And to steal a line from Joe Dirt "It's not about what you want, it's about the consumer" And they wonder why only 800 people are playing the game[/quote]
the fact you don't know why they did that is insane lol
The big problem is how the game is supposed to be played as a multiplayer game, yet everyone wants to section themselves off into their own little corner of the game and freaks out when someone else is nearby. There's a reason they say "guardians are stronger together," but nobody cares about that. It's all about me, me, me, and nobody else. Are you so allergic to human interaction that it would kill you to join a raid fireteam? An exotic mission that takes literally only 10-15 minutes tops? Anybody saying yes needs to grow a pair.