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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/20/2025 2:52:16 PM

Would someone at Bungie kindly investigate huge rise in Beaver errors on Destiny 1?

Hi guys, I'm a bit tired of Destiny 2 right now so I decided to chill in Destiny 1 for a bit. Got to say I don't miss the stress of trying to keep up with this content then that content etc in Destiny 2. It just seems like a JOB with deadlines and ruthless boss telling me what to do instead of a GAME which should be fun. With crafted weapons being scaled right back too I just cant bare the thought of grinding for (not so) random (weight gate) gear any more - its just not fun, its work! Here is a thought though. If people are desperate for random roles that's fine I get it but lets introduce a similar system as currently used in Vanguard/Crucible/Gambit modes where by the more Vendor resets you do the more perks appear on the weapon drops. This should be introduced for all targeted random roll weapons including seasonal and dungeon drops. At the moment weight gate has only been looked at in a few areas of the game and playing Prophecy Dungeon for instance just feels like banging my head against a wall - again not fun knowing you are not making any kind of progress and instead just relying on broken/skewed RNG. Anyway, I digress. Gone back to Destiny 1 to PLAY the game at my own pace and just take my time and ENJOY the game. Sadly the experience is currently being blighted by BEAVER errors whenever I have to go to the Tower or the Reef. Sometimes I get kicked to orbit before my feet hit the ground. Sometimes the vendors don't spawn and very rarely (less than 10% of the time) everything seems OK but I know I only have a few seconds to make it too the relevant vendor to progress my quest line before I get booted again. Like I say if the Bungie description of what the BEAVER error is correct then I should be experiencing the same thing in D2 but I'm not. Please look into it so I can choose to chill in D1 instead of stress out in D2 thanks!

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