My name was changed last august when a lot of people had their name changed. I am currently trying to change it but it keeps saying "you can only change your name once" however I don't ever recall changing my name. Is there any way I can get help on this I don't want to be called guardian forever! ps: ive had a issue for the last two years with a titan helmet ive bought from solstice. the helmet is called refulgent revelry helm. for some reason it doesnt glow even thought its the one i bought that does glow and I dont know a fix for that either
Изменено (EckyThump): 1/11/2025 3:17:45 AMHey there, that message is misleading, it is back from when we only had one name change, and will appear whether your name submission is accepted or rejected. It is not saying 'You can't change because you already did it', just completely ignore it. In your case, whatever you are trying to use is being rejected, but the very fact that you can attempt to change it and submit a new name, is proof that you have name changes available. A player with no name changes available will be unable to enter a new name at all, and it will say 'no name changes available' below the box, in red text. So you just need to pick something that doesn't hit the filter, note that trying to reuse an old name, or a close variant, will likely be rejected. As for your ornament problem, it is caused by putting the ornaments on Trials gear such as your Titan's Atavistic Idol helm. Trials gear has their own glow system, and may deactivate the glow from a glowing ornament. It should work fine on a non-Trials helmet.
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out! The information provided by EckyThump is correct - if you encounter any other issues in the future, please don't hesitate to create a new thread. We'll be glad to help!