I'm having trouble claiming my past season rewards in Destiny 2. When I log into the Bungie website using cross-save with my Epic Games account, my Steam profile name is displayed instead of my Epic Games profile name. This is preventing me from accessing my earned rewards
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. You can claim your Season Pass rank rewards on the Previous and Current Season Pass page: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Seasons/PreviousSeason . You may need to click your platform ID and then click your platform ID again for it to load correctly. If you purchased an Annual Pass that contains a Season Pass for a previous Season, it is not possible to unlock those rewards due to you not unlocking any ranks. Note that while current Seasonal content will be available until the next expansion, access to current Season Pass rank rewards are only available for two Seasons: the Season it's active in, and one Season afterward on Bungie.net. Buying a Season Pass does not guarantee rewards from the Pass, and rewards can only be claimed by unlocking each rank.
Изменено (viiTactiiCZz): 1/1/2025 6:30:58 PMYou have cross-save enabled - so everything displayed will be based on that account - in your case Steam is your active. Try a different browser and sign into Bungie.net as the Steam account rather than Epic. There have been issues in the past with Clan management and cross-save and I wouldn't be surprised if its gone more in-depth to other parts of the site.