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Изменено (MomoMarat): 12/28/2024 7:50:36 PM

Fireteam Finder does not prompt Ready Up

The game doesn’t allow me to join lobby, neither on Autojoin nor on Application. I used to, but not anymore, ever. I am on PS5. I don’t know if this bug coincide with an update. I tested with a friend both options. My friend placed a Search ad; I joined; they see me with the red ❌ next to my name, but, on my side, I don’t get the Ready Up page. If I go back to Fireteam Finder, all I see is the Search/Create page, even if on my friend’s screen, it’s still waiting for me to Ready Up. Also, the countdown for the pending application starts at : 21188503:20. (See link). That’s a countdown that last literally a lifetime! I cleaned the cache, I restored license, I synched with PS +, I rebuilt the database, I cried, but nothing helped. It seems to be a known issue from what I gathered online. Will it be fixed?

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