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Изменено (xTENZEROx): 12/27/2024 3:12:17 AM

Fireteam Finder (Encore) - Bug

Last week while searching for fireteams for Encore I noticed that you could not just search for Standard Encore fireteams. You had to search ALL, not specifically Standard or Expert.

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  • Изменено (viiTactiiCZz): 12/27/2024 12:59:05 AM
    The option being missing has been previously reported but was meant to have been fully fixed a while ago Checking in-game it shows up for me on all characters including the one that I haven't completed the Act 3 questline on. For BNGHelp to pass it on they'll want a clip or screenshots showing the option being missing and the current quest step. FWIW, you can try using the legacy fireteam finder (either on the app under fireteams->legacy or on [url=]here[/url]) to put together a team. If I'm remembering correctly there shouldn't be any expert steps within that questline but that requirement was instead included in the catalyst trait quests which are separate.

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