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8/30/2024 4:27:32 PM

Very Slow Performance Obtaining Bounties

Spent 45 minutes trying to obtain available bounties through the Companion App. Typical scenario: select bounty, spinning progress circle, complete and popup staring Obtained Bounty. Select next and gets stuck on the progress circle with numerous popups asking to Troubleshoot. My solution that sometimes works is backing out of Bounties then cycling through Guardian then Fireteam->Legacy Fireteam before reopening Bounties. This clears the progress circles from spinning. Following this it is hit or miss if the function works or gets stuck on the progress wheel again. Occasionally a pop-up of Failed to Initiate Request appears. The only method I've found to resolve this is simply to wait 1-5 minutes before retrying. Restarting phone sometimes works but probably because it takes 1-5 minutes to reload, login and finish starting background apps. This happens when using home WIFI, cellular WIFI and with VPN enabled/disabled. I have both an Android and iOS device that exhibit the same problem, not platform specific. The Companion App used to be quick and convenient to snag bounties from orbit before daily reset or between activities. Lately it has been quicker to land on each destination and visit each vendor individually. This holds for all vendors including The Tower which matchmaking to land is a major pinch point.

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