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Изменено (CDog2300): 7/9/2024 10:57:19 AM

Reasons why I play solo

I really hate how whenever I want to do a raid, I get the following people. 1. Toxic people We all get mad at others for not doing the mechanic right or just outright call them out. I don't want that. Nobody wants that. Either stay out of my raid group or fix yourself. 2. Join leavers( that's what I'm calling them) I put out an lfg or a fireteam finder, and I get someone either a: joins my fireteam finder. Then leaves. B: Joins the fireteam lfg but doesn't join the fireteam in the game. Either way, don't join unless you're committed to doing the raid. C: leaving after the first Wipe. Why join my fireteam if you don't have patience. I know it's hard to do a raid and communicate. But work through it, and you get the raid done. I'm posting this out of being upset because I couldn't get the jacket and satchel bag because I can't get a raid done with these kinds of people out there.

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  • Join leavers are the worst couldn’t agree more. Me and a friend used to put up lfgs and would always have people give up for the smallest reason. Or no reason at all, we’d end up doing things as a duo since lfg was so hard to get a patient team. Whenever I make lfgs (not as often as I used to) I almost always end up being the last one in the fire team again. I’m currently aiming to get my first clear on salvations edge so I can renew my ability to say “I’ve done all raids/dungeons in the game”. Sometimes it’s not the mechanics that are hard at all. It’s just that in lfg you don’t really know anybody on your team so it’s hard to do things like you would with a group of 6 friends. I’d say 97% of players in this game are nice but the main problem is that the community isn’t great at working together with the people they don’t know and can’t push themselves out of their comfort zone easily. I’ve noticed how much I’ve written here now and think I should wrap it up because if I write too much people will think I’m one of them forum dwellers. (I’m not by the way)

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