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Изменено (DEAN_67__MI): 3/13/2019 11:28:35 AM

Any Path of Exile player here?

Hows everyone doing? Was wondering if anyone here plays Path of Exile on PC or Xbox. I've been waiting a few months for this title to drop for the PS4, but they keep delaying it. I guess my biggest question is, is it as hard to understand as it looks? Most of the time I learn by playing, but I've been trying to get a leg up on the game by reading and watching videos. Most the time I walk away scratching my head. Looks like a buffed up Diablo 2, and I loved that game back in the day. So what can you tell me about it? Any good YouTube build guys you can refer. Any insights about the game? So far I've been watching ZiggyD videos, but I'm not sure if they are still relavent since they just had a new expansion. Have a good one! Edit: Grinding Gear Games just announced a March 26th release for PS4 for those interested.

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