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Royal Kill Order

"Play hard. Have fun. Get some nice weapons and don't be a d!ck."

Запрос на вступление
  • Основные цели

    Looking for skilled, team players. Help each other out for weekly activities/raids. We play crucible as well. We are all extremely competitive, if you are looking for a challenge, join us. Basic requirements: Must have all dlc. Level requirements will change as the level cap increases. We like members to be close to the level cap with at least 1 character. However we will consider lower level players. We will look at your grimoire score, play style, attitude and personality as well when one is looking to join. You must have the majority vote of the 5 current clan leaders. There will also be 5 senior members you can contact to join as well. Both lists will be listed here soon.

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    15 Участники
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    9 Стаж группы
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