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  • Основные цели

    Founded at an unknown date in time, The Institute is an organization dedicated to cataloging, archiving, documenting and most of all, sharing with the world witnessed anomalies that are detected in #Offtopic, namely known as it's previous incarnation, The Flood, and by extension, the site it resides in, Many forms of documentation will be available in the future, and they may or may not span many various accounts. Some may be tales from the very members who have come into contact with anomalies, or the observations of Institute members and their studies. Not for the faint of heart, some anomalies may range from a simple, easy to discern being and group, to something that seems to belong to another dimension entirely. All documents are 100% Verified. Basically, dump your Flood Fanfics here.

  • Участие

    1 Участник
    Общее количество пользователей, вступивших в эту группу
    10 Стаж группы
    Срок активности этой группы (в годах)
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