Reference for{membershipType}/Profile/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Collectibles/{collectiblePresentationNodeHash}/

Given a Presentation Node that has Collectibles as direct descendants, this will return item details about those descendants in the context of the requesting character.


HTTP Method: GET

Requires Sign-in: true

Url Parameters:

Parameter Name Description
membershipType A valid non-BungieNet membership type.
destinyMembershipId Destiny membership ID of another user. You may be denied.
characterId The Destiny Character ID of the character for whom we're getting collectible detail info.
collectiblePresentationNodeHash The hash identifier of the Presentation Node for whom we should return collectible details. Details will only be returned for collectibles that are direct descendants of this node.
components A comma separated list of components to return (as strings or numeric values). See the DestinyComponentType enum for valid components to request. You must request at least one component to receive results.

Request/Response Body Formats:

Message Direction Format Body
Request N/A HTTP Get requests have no request body.
Response JSON JSON object

The following is an example of a response JSON body for this method.

  "Response": null,
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "ThrottleSeconds": 0,
  "ErrorStatus": null,
  "Message": null,
  "MessageData": null,
  "DetailedErrorTrace": null