BungieNet.Platform.DestinyServices Documentation

This page describes the service operations available at https://www.bungie.net/d1/Platform/Destiny.

Uri Method Scope Description
/EquipItem/ POST MoveEquipDestinyItems Equip an item. You must have a valid Destiny Account, and either be in the tower, in orbit, or offline.
/EquipItems/ POST MoveEquipDestinyItems Equip a list of items by itemInstanceIds. You must have a valid Destiny Account, and either be in the tower, in orbit, or offline. Any items not found on your character will be ignored.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/ GET Returns Destiny account information for the supplied membership. DEPRECATED - Please use GetAccountSummary instead, pretty please with sugar on top. Seriously, we'll be BFFs 4 evah.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Summary/ GET Returns Destiny account information for the supplied membership in a compact summary form. Don't you want to be a cool kid and use this service instead of GetAccount?
/Stats/ActivityHistory/{membershipType}/{destinyMembershipId}/{characterId}/ GET Gets activity history stats for indicated character.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Advisors/ GET Returns the set of Advisor data for the given account. This endpoint only returns advisors that are relevant on an account level, and will likely grow over time.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Advisors/V2/ GET Returns the set of Advisor data for the given account and character.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Character/{characterId}/Advisors/ GET ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors Returns the set of Advisor data for the given character. The currently logged-in user must own this character with a Destiny account of the given Membership Type.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Items/ GET Returns information about all items on the for the supplied Destiny Membership ID, and a minimal set of character information so that it can be used.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Character/{characterId}/Vendors/ GET ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors [RETIRED - will no longer return data] Returns the set of vendor data for the given character. The currently logged-in user must own this character with a Destiny account of the given Membership Type.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Advisors/Bonds/ GET ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors Returns the set of Advisor data specific to Bonds between the given Account. The currently logged-in user must own this character with a Destiny account of the given Membership Type.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Complete/ GET ReadDestinyInventoryAndVault Returns all character information for the supplied character.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Activities/ GET Retrieve the inventory for the supplied character.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Inventory/ GET Returns the inventory for the supplied character. DEPRECATED - please use GetCharacterInventorySummary, pretty please with sugar on top.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Inventory/Summary/ GET Returns summary information for the inventory for the supplied character.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Progression/ GET Provides the progression details for the supplied character.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/ GET Returns a character summary for the supplied membership.
/Stats/AggregateActivityStats/{membershipType}/{destinyMembershipId}/{characterId}/ GET Gets all activities the character has participated in together with aggregate statistics for those activities.
/Explorer/Items/ GET Gets a page list of Destiny items.
/Explorer/TalentNodeSteps/ GET Gets a page list of Destiny talent node steps, ordered by the step name.
/Manifest/ GET Returns the current version of the manifest as a json object.
/Manifest/{type}/{id}/ GET Returns the specific item from the current manifest a json object.
/Vanguard/Grimoire/{membershipType}/{membershipId}/ GET Gets someone else's Grimoire.
/Vanguard/Grimoire/Definition/ GET Gets Grimoire definitions.
/Stats/{membershipType}/{destinyMembershipId}/{characterId}/ GET Gets historical stats for indicated character.
/Stats/Definition/ GET Gets historical stats definitions.
/Stats/Account/{membershipType}/{destinyMembershipId}/ GET Gets aggregate historical stats organized around each character for a given account.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Inventory/{itemInstanceId}/ GET Retrieve the details of a Destiny Item.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/ItemReference/{itemHash}/ GET Retrieve the details of a conceptual Destiny Item that may be relevant to a character, but without referring to a specific instance of that item. There are some rare cases where noninstanced items may have character-relevant metadata, in which case you need to call this service. (ugh, I know. It annoys me too.)
/{membershipType}/Stats/GetMembershipIdByDisplayName/{displayName}/ GET Returns the numerical id of a player based on their display name, zero if not found.
/Stats/PostGameCarnageReport/{activityId}/ GET Gets the available post game carnage report for the activity ID.
/Advisors/V2/ GET Returns public Advisor data - data that is common for all characters and accounts, and thus does not require login in order to access.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/RecordBooks/{recordBookHash}/Completion/ GET ReadDestinyInventoryAndVault Provides Record Book completion status for your Destiny account. Returned as a separate endpoint because it could have potentially sensitive information.
/{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Triumphs/ GET Provides Triumphs for a given Destiny account.
/Stats/UniqueWeapons/{membershipType}/{destinyMembershipId}/{characterId}/ GET Gets details about unique weapon usage, including all exotic weapons.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Vault/ GET ReadDestinyInventoryAndVault Returns the vault for the account of the given Membership Type. You must have an account linked for this membership type for it to work. Please use GetVaultSummary when possible, it returns more compact information.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Vault/Summary/ GET ReadDestinyInventoryAndVault Returns summary information for the vault for the account of the given Membership Type. You must have an account linked for this membership type for it to work.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Character/{characterId}/Vendor/{vendorHash}/ GET ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors Returns vendor data for the given character and vendor hash. The currently logged-in user must own this character with a Destiny account of the given Membership Type.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Character/{characterId}/Vendor/{vendorHash}/Metadata/ GET ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors Returns vendor data for the given character and vendor hash, along with any secondary metadata for the vendor and their items. The currently logged-in user must own this character with a Destiny account of the given Membership Type.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Character/{characterId}/Vendor/{vendorHash}/Item/{vendorItemIndex}/ GET ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors Returns vendor data for the given character and vendor hash. The currently logged-in user must own this character with a Destiny account of the given Membership Type.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Character/{characterId}/Vendor/{vendorHash}/Item/{vendorItemIndex}/Metadata/ GET ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors Returns vendor data for the given character and vendor hash. The currently logged-in user must own this character with a Destiny account of the given Membership Type. Includes various bits of interesting metadata that might not be useful for some.
/{membershipType}/MyAccount/Character/{characterId}/Vendors/Summaries/ GET ReadDestinyVendorsAndAdvisors Returns the set of vendor data for the given character. The currently logged-in user must own this character with a Destiny account of the given Membership Type.
/SearchDestinyPlayer/{membershipType}/{displayName}/ GET Returns a list of Destiny memberships given a full Gamertag or PSN ID.
/SetLockState/ POST MoveEquipDestinyItems Set the Lock State for an instanced item. You must have a valid Destiny Account.
/SetQuestTrackedState/ POST MoveEquipDestinyItems Set the Tracking State for an instanced item, if that item is a Quest or Bounty. You must have a valid Destiny Account. Yeah, it's an item.
/TransferItem/ POST MoveEquipDestinyItems Transfer an item to/from your vault. You must have a valid Destiny account. You must also pass BOTH a reference AND an instance ID if it's an instanced item. itshappening.gif