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11/5/2014 7:37:39 AM

Bungies design pillars

Bungie had design pillars (see link). Let's see how they made it into the game [b]Pillar #1: A World Players Want to Be In[/b] Ok, the world looks nice. But we do not want to be in the SAME part of the world ALL THE TIME. Each planet has 1 spawn place! You literally have to travel trough every area multiple times if you just follow the story missions, not even considering the grinding endgame yet. [b]Pillar #2: A Bunch of Fun Things to Do[/b] I do not know about you, but this is my list of things to do when I login to Destiny: Daily (once a day) Weekly (once a week) Nightfall (once a week) (Usually same as weekly) Raid (if I can find people) Material farming Material farming is boring, as we all know. At first I was amazed because of the random public events, but they turn out to be as repetitive and non-random as the patrol missions. Nightfall and Weekly only come in once a week, so that leaves the Daily and Raid. Raid has no matchmaking, which cancels it out pretty much of the time for me. Thank god I have 3 characters so I can do the (SAME) daily 3 times in a row! [b]Pillar #3: Rewards Players Care About[/b] RNG breaks this instantly, but lets evaluate anyway. Daily and Weekly are just material drops. -> yawn Nightfall could drop something nice, but may as well -BLAM- you over. Raid same thing. Exotic armor and weapons: -Too few to distinct yourself from other players. -Everyone can buy them at Xur -Easier to come by then some legendary items -Bounties consist of things like: talk to 5 people at tower, do 25 strikes, get 100.000 crucible points. (AKA more grinding). This takes time, not skill. Legendary armor and weapons: buy at the factions, if RNGesus loves you, you may roll something better. The biggest problems here are RNG and the Light leveling system. This really makes it so I don't give a -blam- about my armor, as long as it has more light then my current one. Dev interviews state that the intention was everyone could get the armor they liked most, and had to work hard to get it. You just gotta get lucky on a high light roll. That's it. [b]Pillar #4: A New Experience Every Night[/b] You mean Daily? See Pillar 2. Also "New Experience" does not mean: "Same thing you have done a thousand times already, but now it drops materials!" [b]Pillar #5: Shared With Other People[/b] No matchmaking for raids, I've been in a lot of public events all by myself, the only social options outside of your party are dance, wave, sit and point. Not even a "trade" option. Also, the dev interviewed here says: [i]"you won’t be forced to engage in player-vs.-player combat unless you explicitly desire to."[/i] Exotic bounties and factions require you to do so. I do not like the PvP because of the many one shot guns out there, but that is none of my business. [b]Pillar #6: Enjoyable By All Skill Levels[/b] I am an average skilled player myself. I like a challenge, but as stated before I do not like it if it is the same 9000+ times. But to be fair, I'd say they may have this pillar somewhat standing. [b]Pillar #7: Enjoyable by the Impatient and Distracted[/b] This is mostly about the mobile app and the UI in game. The mobile app: Quote: [i]"Destiny is alive whether you’re in it or not. But you’re busy can’t live there 24/7. To that end, a Destiny mobile phone app – shown as a prerecorded iOS demo this time – illustrated how the game could send you updates about new quests and what your friends are up to. Bungie also teased that you may be able to use the mobile connection to affect your friends’ games, but declined to provide any additional details." [/i] -send update about quests -> nope - send updates on your friends -> nope - affect friends games -> nope It doesn't even tell you when Xur is around, or where he is located in the tower. Only function: stat screen, forum and grimoire. UI: Quote: [i]Within the game proper, Jones said they know that players “don’t want to work hard, they don’t want to read, and they don’t’ want to go to the Internet to figure out our bullshit.” In other words, they understand that what they’re making is escapist entertainment. “This has led us to a huge investment in [user interface],” Jones explained. Clearly, Bungie has a story to tell and information to convey, but they don’t want to bog you down with any of it.[/i] -Don't want to read our BS on the internet -> GRIMOIRE - Bungie has a story to tell and information to convey, don;t want you to bog down -> GRIMOIRE?? And what about a simple explanation of GAME MECHANICS? I got a pal who is level 29 and just figured out how colored shields of enemies work. Also, if you are going to put damage numbers on weapons, and armor ratings on armor, and you want us to have meaningful decisions on them, explain how the calculations are done! I still do not know the 3 main stats are of any benefit to me. Also: what story are you referring to? Most people are worried they did not get what was advertised. I believe the problem lies with the fact that Bungie did not produce what they envisioned. How this went wrong can be speculated about (Money hungry CEO's on Activision??), but this analysis shows it is not what was planned. Putting past failures aside, since the money spent on development has already been regained, I think now is the time for redemption. Bungie, please listen to the awesome feedback and ideas of the community and share with us your path to fix this. This means being more transparent about the upcoming patches and highlighting community feedback. I do not mean to threaten, but if you do not, only DARKNESS lies ahead.

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