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11/4/2014 1:54:24 PM

How long is going to take to fix?!

Hello, fellow Guardians! It is now 05/11/14 in Melbourne, Australia and I haven't been able to sign on to Destiny on my PS4 since 29/10/14 and I keep getting this message [b]EVERY[/b] time I try: "You have lost connection with the Destiny Servers. Your permissions to access online multiplayer may have changed or your profile may have been signed in elsewhere." What is really happening! And how long is going to take to fix?! Oh, yes I forgot, there is also message underneath the first one: "For more information, visit" I have been visiting for [b]DAYS[/b] and gotten [b]NOWHERE!![/b] I have contacted PlayStation Support, Australia and although they have tried to help, the problem is [b] obviously[/b] with Bungie, yet they will [b]NOT[/b] let you contact support directly. I haven't had a single reply to [b]ANY[/b] of my [b]MANY[/b] posts! Is Bungie just going to ignore the fact that I have not been able to log on now for almost a [b]WEEK![/b] The very [b]least[/b] Bungie could do is [b]reply![/b] P.S.: Yesterday, Bungie [b]finally[/b] contacted me in Conversations, asked me [b]TWO[/b] questions, mostly about my internet connection, to which I replied. And that was [b]it[/b], I never heard back from them again! For some reason I thought all my problems were going to be resolved, or at the very least Bungie would get back to me and suggest another option, oh, what a silly [b]bunt![/b] [b]gwydion237[/b] [i][b]"The Guardian who is denied the right to be a Guardian."[/b][/i]

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