It is super frustrating since we only have a limited time to get the stuff from iron banner and yea I know they will have it again but I want that darn cloak and shader now!.. But I even if I was competent it PvP (which I'm not) I still can't even finish a match before a no warning disconnect with bees stinging my soul... And then during the raid my poor team had to keep waiting on me to rejoin so we could progress and me get the rewards...
and tbh i could care less about the iron banner event because im constantly walking in to bee nests
That cloak would look so boss on my hunter though... Ugh that's all I want ... If they just gave it to me free I would consider that a good apology
im a warlock and i want the bond so badly that i have considered spending my 26 motes of light on a speaker cloack when i really want a exotic engrame GRR
Yea decide carefully... I spent mine on an engram last weekend and got a warlock helmet.... So my hunter was like... "Greeaat"... I will start a warlock soon so I put it in my vault... But that RNG likes to blam ya sometimes
i have a level 9 titan and hunter
I've managed to get my hunter to level 26-27 and just now got my first exotic from the nightfall...and after countless bounties (that I could do without PvP) I got my first exotic bounty this morning... So once I level all my gear all the way up I should be solid.
i dont get why it as to kick me in the raid. out of all things
As if it isn't already hard enough to find a group of competent people and not die... Then ya gotta deal with disconnects too?... Sad sad day for us
same thing. in the raid we were almost done the final boss when i got disconnected with bee and before my teammates knew what happend it ended with me in orbit and getting nothing and my friends saying that they will not redo it again and the same thing almost happend in the nightfall strike
Luckily I had a guy make sure I was there before we finished the nightfall but during the raid they had to keep waiting at the chests so I could get the stuff too but I never made it to the boss before I had to give up for the day...
for me i thought i had fixed the problem that day because it was working fin for the longest time but i guess i was wrong as i got kicked from the game unexpectidly