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9/24/2014 11:45:33 AM

Fix for Beaver-errors (maybe also for others, I don't know)

Starting friday 19/09/2014 I was unable to play Destiny without being interrupted by many errors, mosty beaver. For now, it seems I have got the problem fixed, starting yesterday afternoon. Since that time, I've managed to play online for multiple hours (rough estimate 7 hours) without a single disconnect. *knocks on wood* I hope the problem is solved indefinately now and the beavers never return to my appartment again. The process I took solving it was handed to my by someone from on another forum. I didn't figure this out myself and don't take credit for figuring it out. I have no idea if this solution is area- or ISP-specific, I am not a tech-savvy person and my knowledge of this stuff is limited at best... I found the solution on a tech-related thread concerning problems with my specific modem/internet-connection. For reference, I live in Belgium and my ISP is Belgacom. I'm on the bbox3-modem. The solution was to call my ISP and obtain the PPPoE-username and password. (Note: This was not handed to my by signing up for said ISP.) With PPPoE-data in hand, I was to boot up the PS4 and follow these steps: (Note: My PS4 is set in Dutch. I have no idea of the used English terms, so these may vary from what I type below.) PS4 Home --> Settings --> Network --> Set-up Connection --> LAN-cable Then, when setting up the IP-adress, you have to choose to do it manually through entering the PPPoE-data. After that, follow these steps: DHCP: Do not set DNS: Automatic MTU: Automatic Proxy-server: Do not use When that's done, test your connection. Normally you should be set up at NAT1 with a connection that doesn't give any issues with Destiny. Since yesterday, I've managed to play online in all game-types and haven't experienced a single disconnect. I hope this solution can help other people. Again, I have no idea if it is area- of ISP-specific, but there's no harm in trying, right? If the above does help you fix your beaver-errors, please share this solution with others. Thanks.

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  • How's it going now? I have the damned bbox 3 as well, and for the last week and a half or two weeks (since a patch I believe), I keep getting returned to orbit from various game modes with the infamous Beaver smiling at me (sometimes flatworm). Managed to get to NAT 2 but still having problems. I've done everything from DMZ to port forwarding to static IP adress and still getting these errors. Thing is, in the beginning everything worked fine.

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    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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