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9/24/2014 3:40:25 AM

Since 9/23 server maintenance, frequent removal from game world

As in the title, ever since the server maintenance this morning (9/23) I've seen the various network connection errors regularly. I haven't made it through a single Strike, and frequently get dropped within 2-5 minutes of entering the world. It alternates between the "lost the connection to the game world" and "you have been removed from the game world" errors. Even in the tower, I'll attempt to decode engrams or turn in bounties, only to have the engram/bounty immediately reappear. Shortly thereafter, a bar appears across the bottom of the screen stating that the game is attempting to contact Destiny servers. I am not having problems with any other internet connected devices, or other games like Titanfall or Minecraft. It's just Destiny, and it's just since the server maintenance.

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