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9/17/2014 6:09:17 PM

[PS4] Join us, and you have no excuse to be bored or alone anymore

How would a group that has a chat room active almost 24 hours a day, multiple chat parties going during the evenings, players jumping into any and all game modes, people willing to help others get their dailies/weeklies/stories/bounties completed, and actually [i]enjoys [/i]playing with other members of the group sound to you? If you said "awesome", I have a group you need to join. (btw, any other answers disqualify you from an invitation to this group because reasons; no, not really...) Ours is a smaller group of close people, and we would like to slowly add more players to keep our tight-knit feeling. If you're interested in joining us, please check us out at the links below. Take the time to play with us, and you will have found your home for Destiny. (don't let the small number of members fool you, our group is closely allied with another group, and the core members of each are all friends ^^)

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