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8/21/2014 6:09:26 PM

Raid checkpoint save system question for DeeJ, Luke Smith?

[b][u]Raid checkpoint save system question, clarification needed[/u]:[/b] If I have a clan raid and we have a full fireteam, but we pick-up where we left off the following night, but one or two of our players can't finish the raid during the rest of the week, can we substitute their position on our Fireteam for another player and continue? If so, what happens if our raid fireteam gets 90% to completing the raid, but we save to continue the next night, can another player within the party decide to get 5 new players and finish the raid with us and his new fireteam? Is there an elected leader/captain profile that saves the checkpoint too? Secondly, If I finished a raid earlier in the week can I run another group through(to assist but of course not be rewarded the end raid loot as it's a once a week reward) or will it not let me join or void everyone from earning loot? As a raid admin for my clan, these are question that would be appreciated prior to release, so I can answer members questions, and organize a fair clan policy for developing & scheduling clan raids. This information wouldn't offer any in-game spoilers within Destiny and any feedback or response would be much appreciated. Thanks Vallee25 Iron Demons Clan Raid Admin [b][/b]

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