This is a -blam!-ing online forum on a gaming website, get over yourself.
Take care, what you speak is heresy.
You are on a thread on a discussion topic on a game producing company's website on the internet which is invisible and affects no one in any physical way. Not to mention you are one of over 7 billion people most of which are oblivious to the outside universe that is over 93 TRILLION light years in diameter and that's just the part that we can see. People come and go, live and die, and we're probably not even the only highly cognitive species in only the galaxy itself, not by a long shot. Some people are out there, learning about this great universe, the hands of our creation, the very tools of the gods and you think your little thread is of importance or in the least significant? Hell, even if you limit your perspective to this planet you could still at least help hundreds or even thousands of others that are less fortunate than you. If you want to feel important, try making a difference in this small world, for people treat this planet as if they had another one to go.