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Edytowany przez użytkownika Vallee25: 7/31/2014 5:44:17 PM

PvE Clan Iron Demons: Raids (XBOX ONE)

If you are unaware, you will not be able to que up for the 5 man co-op Raids. You must organize your own 6 player group. These Raids are meant for organized players and have difficulty modifiers to hinder abilities(class or weapons) . The Iron Demons is mostly an adult group, who game a lot and often. This game is going to be replacing my addiction for Borderlands 2 which I have put over 2k hours on each system PS and Xbox. I've also recorded and hosted 20+ clan events in Defiance. The reason I bring this up, is because if you're looking for a clan that is dedicated, active playing Destiny daily months & years passed it's release this clan is for you. You can visit Vallee25 youtube channel for some Borderlands and Defiance video. So no need waiting and wasting time in finding a group to participate in Raids, Strike Mission and other PvE events. Though we are a heavy PvE Clan we do occasionally Play PvP events. My clan usually has a core of 8-15 players who play daily with the usually 20+ clan members who play limited on a specific title(the come and go gamers). So no matter if Destiny is your game for a week or two or years passed its release, we are a clan for you. If you have any specific questions please feel free ask or PM me. Please review our mission statement in our clan before joining. Thanks
#Clans #iron #demons

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