I believe the Bungie Community is so awesome that there should be an entire wall dedicated to us at Bungie Studios. Obviously there are a lot of awesome members here which I call, "Pillars of Bungie Community."
Do you think that Bungie should devote an wall dedicated to those who have been here a log time and have contributed? Bungie could devise a list of guidlines and if those are met by an individual they could have their username engraved or embossed on a wall somewhere at Bungie.
Do you think this should be done?
It should be engraved in a bathroom stall
Hamish Sinclair Miguel Chavez Claude Errera Brian Morden Done. The community is great, millions of fans, lots of history, and there are dozens upon dozens of names that come to mind when I start listing names, but the 4 above? Legends and giants. These folks set a damned high bar.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Recon Number 54: 5/3/2013 8:06:04 PMIf I am not mistaken, the Seventh Column (that would be us, the community) gets mentioned in the credits of nearly every Bungie game. Though that may not seem like much, it may appear to be an "automatically added" comment, when Bungie does it, they really mean it.
As Recon already said, they mention us in the credits of every game. Because without our awesomeness, Bungie's games would be a little less awesome. We certainly add a lot to Bungie's work, even though we can be a bit steely at times. But a wall? Sure why the hell not? But make it more awesome than [url=http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/05/22/the-wall-from-the-skyrim-teaser-trailer-now-holds-up-the-ceiling-at-bethesda.aspx]Bestheda's wall[/url]. That is my only request.
This sounds like a bad idea, to be completely honest. Elitism and whatnot. Honestly, if anything were to be dedicated to us, I'd like it to just be something that represents all of us. No one member of the community is worth more than any other. That said, I think Bungie gives us enough credit. They listen to our ideas, thank us in their video games (and countless times before and after each release), and go out of their way to do nice things for us.
Why not just have the [url=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090408003323/bungie/images/8/8c/Septagon.jpg]Seventh Column[/url] on a wall? It represents all of us, so it seems appropriate.