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Destiny 2

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Acery: 1/4/2025 7:38:50 AM

D2 Clan Troubles

Hello to those reading this. My name's Ace, and I'm part of a clan called "The Devil Rejected." It was my dad's old clan from when he still played Destiny 2 and Destiny 1. His bungie ID is: "Devilsarmnz#3150" My dad had transferred ownership to a new person ("danny9727#0406") when he accidentally joined a different clan of one of his friends. This danny person hasn't played destiny 2 in the last year, and I am asking if there is any way that Bungie support could somehow transfer over to the clan to me or my dad. Thanks for any responses as this means a lot to me and my dad.

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