What is the end of the weekend? Saturday or Sunday.
Saturday may be the first day off but is it the last day of the weekend, is Sunday the week beginning, or the end of the weekend, does the week ever really end? Or does it just become next week? Does Sunday constitute the end or is it just a beginning?
Pineapple goes on pizza.
Sunday for me. I have to start work again on Monday. That being said, calendars and my paycheck start from Sunday through the week and end on Saturday. So, maybe it should be Saturday?? Nope. Actual day before starting work wins. Sunday it is! Well... hang on a minute. I get paid on Fridays. So maybe it should be Friday?! I get money in my pocket on Friday to start the week off right on Saturday???!!
I worked in restaurants for a long time so for me, the weekend was generally Monday and Tuesday. Interesting fact (to me anyway), the "Hawaiian Pizza" with pineapple and ham was invented by a Greek-born Canadian.
I don't care if Monday's blue Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too Thursday I don't care about you It's Friday, I'm in love Monday you can fall apart Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart Oh, Thursday doesn't even start It's Friday, I'm in love Saturday wait And Sunday always comes too late But Friday never hesitate
There is no Saturday or Sunday... Every day.. is just a space and moment in time, removed from the loop. Sun, and the moon divides our sanity. Everyday for me.. is stuck in a never ending loop of madness and hell.
Sunday, and it can go on pizza, but generally not with tomato sauce
Saturday is the end of the week for me and Sunday is the beginning. And yes, pineapple can go on pizza. Couldn’t you at least have made the title alliterate?
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
What the hell are stats? - stary
They’re both weekends -
Sunday is the beginning of the week. Hence why the song starts with Sunday. *proceeds to sing* “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, then you start again!” “Or something like that.”
You better not be poisoning my pizza with pineapple
Ever since one caveman started smashing rocks together, it’s been one very, very long week.
Pay period ends Saturday and begins Sunday for me so that’s what I go by. No, you blasphemous heathen pineapple doesn’t go on pizza
Well, you see, the important part is honesty friendship family values, and nobody got arrested!