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Edytowany przez użytkownika Joker101212: 11/22/2024 11:06:38 PM

Vanguard's Disciples {Clan}{Endgame}{CrossPlay}

[b]Vanguard's Disciples[/b][i][NA][Cross-Platform][18+][/i] [quote]Discord:[/quote] Vanguard's Disciples is an Endgame PvE focused clan. We are looking for endgame players that want to participate in a clan! [b]Peak Activity:[/b] 5:00PM to 2:00AM EST {we are looking to get activity during all times of the day.} [b]What we offer[/b]:[quote] - Cross-Play Friendly Clan! - Activity in every part of the game; Raids, GMs, Trials, Comp, even Gambit! - Veteran members that are well versed in every aspect of the game! - A chill and non toxic community! - Charlemagne Supercharged Server, if you're into roles and such! - Endgame Clan[/quote] [b]Clan Membership Requirements[/b]:[quote] - Endgame ready - Most Recent DLC - Must have Discord - Active both in Destiny and Discord - Don't be toxic[/quote] Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

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