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po raz pierwszy umieszczony: Name change issues
Edytowany przez użytkownika BNGHelp5: 9/25/2024 2:39:18 PM
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out! Rest assured that all players were granted a name change token. This isn't an item but is an allowance for the account to change its Bungie Name. You can change your Bungie Name using these steps: [quote]Log in to with a platform account Go to Profile Settings Update the Bungie Name under "Identity Settings" Press the "Save" button[/quote] If you're unable to change names using the steps above, and you haven't changed names recently, please note that we're seeing a rise in reports about issues with changing names after the recent fix and are currently investigating. In the meantime, please be sure to refer to our Bungie Name Guide above to make sure the name you're trying isn't going against any policies.

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