Next big Feature to drawn back the players. Contest Mode for a Strike, and then patrols. LOL
I've experienced Contest Mode: FLYING INTO LAST CITY "yeah last city tower.. just askin for clearance to land.. you know gotta pretend to walk around and pick up bounties in my virtual life.. clean the ole post master.. kick a ball around.. find a golden guardian emote with them for a sec so I can have accelerated movement and such.. hows it goin?" "theres gonna be a delay guardian" "what again?" "yep Cabal asleep on the last runway" "Saladins in town for Iron banner?" "Yep and he brought his "Cabal".. get it "Cabal"?" "Thats great tower.. stick to air traffic control" "haha well... How many times around the earth did you make it last time?" "seventeen.. you know my ship has VTOL capability.. I can be in Neptune in like 5 sec.. place is empty as F.." "..ok we got clearance.. the last towing company came and moved'em.. sound sleepers.. those guys." "... ok inbound.. I swear XUR better have at least 1 useful thing.."