Bring back the Menagerie or a Menagerie level activity for us solo players.
Sincerely a solo player.
Curious but what exactly was it about the Menagerie that you would like to see come back? For me it was the Chalice and being able to fine tune the rewards for either armor or weapons. The actual activity itself was okay and we have had variations across a fair number of the seasonal activities. Just to name a few that come to mind Vex Offensive Sun Dial Override Astral Alignment The Coil Savathun's Spire
I enjoyed Menagerie but the only good thing about it was the way players could pick the weapon and perks like we could. Nothing else really has come close.
literally every seasonal activity in the game is for solo players,
Yeah menagerie was pretty engaging. For me anyways.
I'm not a solo player exclusively but I have seen a lot of people asking for this to return and since I missed it the first time around, I'm all for it.
Am I the only one that didn't like Menagerie and only liked the bug that gave out way to much loot? I just don't remember Menagerie being that great.
The only reason the menagerie is constantly viewed with rose tinted glasses constantly is because how bugged the loot was. You could get upwards of 3-4 runs worth of loot from a single run. As a complete shocker that I never saw coming, people like getting loot for playing the game. If it were to come back without this same level of overflowing loot at every corner, the menagerie would quickly become one of the most deserted playlists available to us right now within the first month. People were only there for the loot. If you increase it to the same levels for other activities, those activites would see an uptick in population.
[quote]Bring back the Menagerie or a Menagerie level activity for us solo players. Sincerely a solo player.[/quote] I’d rather something new. They’ve cloned menagerie a few times already.
Or turn Gambit into a Savathunes Spire/Menagerie/Gambit fusion. Have 3 zones with unique and individual encounters. Each floor has a unique interaction with the Motes, whether it be a bank system or something else, yada yada. Upon completion of the encounter, you then have to go to the next zone/floor, via a randomly generated traversal area, either being Parkour/Jumping Puzzle, SRL sparrow area, or a Corridors of Time/Infinite Forest like traversal where each section is randomly generated till you get to the next zone. Mind you, even the encounters and final boss would also be randomly generated, though each team has the exact same map.
I’d like to see it come back as a Halloween event activity.
Menagerie fun.
Wait, you played Menagerie solo? Didn't think it worked like that.
CJ this you?
In what world is a solo player defined as 6 player's?