Thanks for letting us know. We are currently investigating.
Hello again. Are there any updates on this? I'd really like my name back please. Thank you.
I got hit by the forced name change glitch too and am having the same issue. Since we were supposedly all given a name token, I keep trying to change my name back to my PSN ID (what it was before being changed to Guardian), and even though it shows up as a suggested name, I get the message "You can only change your Bungie Name one time." So... did I not get a token or is my previous name still getting caught in the filter? Screenshot linked below [url]https://imgur.com/a/jlLIMX2[/url]
Ignore the suggested names. It only displays your platform names. Any name that was removed CANNOT be used again. If it's not saving (despite it saying so) it's hitting the filter, and a different name needs to be picked.
Thank you SO much!! Used my Xbox GT instead which is basically the same thing and it accepted it right away. Even got my old #s back.
Happy to help!
Hopefully it gets fixed soon, even you guys have to agree this bug has taken too long to go down