My previous post:
Beyond light preorder emblem, I have unlocked in collections on PlayStation and just deleted and required it from collections there but it still is not equipable on pc for me.
“For security purposes, players who have emblems on their account that do not appear in their Collections (Collections-Flair-Emblems-General) will no longer be able to equip these emblems, and players will no longer be able to see these emblems if they are still equipped.” It’s in collections on another platform that is linked by cross play? Why wouldn’t it be in collections for pc?
Ok so how do I “Those who are affected by this change will need to reacquire these emblems through proper means by unlocking them in their profiles or on their platform if they wish to continue using them.”
So I can’t just magically unlock it on my current platform obviously so how do I register my preorder emblems to my account.
I’m going to check if my wq and lf preorder emblems are still available to me on pc after I post this.they are affected it seems.
And to be clear from the last post I understand that bungie may have made a change that makes it so I need the preorder specific license to have the emblem on what is now my main platform I play on.
The thing is by what the change they cited says it shouldn’t affect emblems in collections.
Additional weird thing, it uh doesn’t show the emblems as owned from the app when I’m logged in through my PlayStation account there. So regardless of whether or not I’m supposed to have access on pc I should be able to check my collections for PlayStation properly from the app. It does however display my tfs preorder emblem when I’m logged in on either. I’ve double checked from browser and it shows on both there too, I do not own tfs on PlayStation but I do on pc. Is the problem with the emblem that I own the other dlcs on both?
Okay I looked at the cross save guide and better understand the response to the previous post, the guide does not however address preorder items as non transferable if you did not preorder on multiple platforms, as in the previous post I can access the preorder sparrow on both and I own the dlcs on both.
so there is nothing in the cross save guide that specifically says my preorder items shouldn’t transfer but it doesn’t confirm whether they should either.
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