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Destiny 2

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7/31/2024 2:41:18 AM

Saint-14 ***Spoilers***

[b]Saint-14 is real[/b], Saint-14 is the real Saint-14, the Vex still think he died cause he was kinda supposed to but we saved him from that fate. Technically we should know this already from Season of the Undying but just in case anyone had doubts or wild theories otherwise. The Vex Archived Saint's death, because technically he was dead until we saved him with the Sundial, and Vex are non-linear and time travel and whatnot. No Saint clones, no alternates. Maya Sundaresh is the Conductor, which was known from leaks that somehow made it to youtube last episode, thanks youtube for the deja-vu. Maya wants to terraform everything and everyone into Vex, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say we probably stop her. It is, shall I say quite [i]Vexing[/i], hahaha.
#destiny2 #lore

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